St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side
32 photo with description04.04.2020 10:03
04.04.2020 10:03
Andrey Panevin

The Petrogradskaya Side is one of the most interesting districts of St. Petersburg . Despite the fact that the city began here, the House of Peter I, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the first port, the stock exchange, the first church - Trinity, this part of the city was sparsely populated until the second half of the 19th century. It actively began to build up after the construction of the Trinity Bridge in 1903, after which the area received constant communication with the central regions. The time of construction - the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries - is reflected in architecture: mainly modern and eclectic .
Kamennoostrovsky prospect from a helicopter. Troitsky bridge, Kamennoostrovsky prospect, Troitskaya square

(the first square of St. Petersburg, where the city began). On the right in the bushes hid Peter's House - the first Petersburg house, on the left - the eastern part of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Kronverk .

Fortress St. Petersburg Only from above can one estimate the entire power of the once impregnable Peter and Paul Fortress, which has never fired a single combat shot in its entire history.

Cathedral Mosque, Kronverksky Avenue, 7, architects NV Vasilyev, AI von Gauguin, SS Krichinsky, built in 1909 - 1918 years. Cathedral Mosque in St. Petersburg - the largest in Europe
... But the uniqueness of this mosque is not so much in its size as in the synthesis of the architecture of the Northern Art Nouveau and the traditions of the religious architecture of Asia. In this architectural masterpiece, Russian architects managed to harmoniously combine rough Finnish stone in wall decoration with ornate sophisticated majolica and lattice decors. The stylization was so successful that, for all its uniqueness, its naturalness is beyond doubt. The entrance to the mosque. The inscription on the portal above the central entrance: “And when you finish your prayer, remember Allah, whether standing, sitting or lying down. And if you are safe, then pray properly. Indeed, the prayer was prescribed to the believers and the time of its fulfillment was indicated. " (Sura 4 "Women", ayah 103). Mosaic above the main entrance

Arabic script: on the left - "Allah knows your deeds", on the right - "Stand up for prayer." The mosque was opened in 1913, but interior decoration works continued until 1918. Emphasizes that the Russian Empire is a multi-confessional state. Men pray on the first floor, women on the second, and madrasah classes on the third. The minarets of this mosque perform exclusively architectural tasks, no one shouts from them.

Mosque 1913

Frigate "Grace" Restaurant complex at Petrovskaya embankment, stylized as an old sailing ship (three-deck battleship of the late 18th century).

Leo Shi-Tzu (Shi-Dza) - a gift from the Governor of Girin (province of Manchuria) to the Amur Governor-General N.I. Grodekov. The latter, in turn, donated the lions to St. Petersburg. Two cats were registered on the Petrovskaya embankment.
Monument to Nizami Ganjavi There is a pleasant monument to the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi on Kamennoostrovsky Avenue. By the way, in the harsh year 1941, at the insistence of the director of the Hermitage Orbeli, in besieged Leningrad, the poet's 800th birthday was celebrated . Orbeli insisted, they say, how is it possible - the whole country will celebrate the anniversary, but the Hermitage will not? As a result, the poet's poetry was read in the Hermitage in Leningrad, but not in other cities of the Union.

Monument to Lenin on Kamennoostrovsky prospect in the park near the building of the Alexander Lyceum. Bust of Lenin, Novo-Leninsky Square. Many buildings are connected with Lenin in this area, and during the tourist season there are crowds of Chinese, who are led by guides to "Leninist" places.

Lenin bust

Monument to the destroyer «Guarding»
One of the few monuments of the Russian-Japanese war. Fighting with a superior enemy squadron, the crew of the "Guarding" allegedly made a decision to open the Kingston and sink the destroyer. This is a sculptor's fantasy; the Falcon-class destroyers did not have Kingstones, and the ship sank from the damage received.

Nelson's Yard... One citizen, out of nothing to do, dragged all the trash from all over the neighborhood, and as a result, the depressed courtyard of the former apartment building turned into a fairy tale. Not so long ago, the communalists removed most of this trash, now there is not such a mess.
Nelson's Yard On the Petrograd side at 6/17 Polozova Street there is an amazing Nelson's Yard

The sculptural composition "Architects" in the Alexander Park (Petrogradskaya side). Bronze figures of architects: Rastrelli, Rossi, Trezzini, Montferrand, Tom de Thomon, Voronikhin, Bazhenov, Zakharov. There is also a mini-Petersburg model - the main architectural landmarks of the Northern Capital. Monument to Dmitry Shostakovich

Monument to Dmitry Shostakovich in the courtyard of the house where the composer lived and worked during the Siege, where the famous Seventh Symphony (Leningrad) was created. The bust was unveiled on September 26, 1997. Sculptors A. N. Chernitsky, S. A. Chernitsky. Architect S.P. Odnovalov.
Chkalov-on-pipe The monument was erected in the nineties, in an era of great confusion, without the permission of the authorities and any kind of coordination - solely at the behest of the sculptor himself - Yagub Alibabaevich Imranov, whose workshop was located fifteen meters from here. In Soviet times, there was a sports ground here, which has sunk into oblivion after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were beer stalls. So, the sculptor decided to ennoble the park on his own, which is now called Chkalovsky. The cadets of the Academy. AF Mozhaisky has a tradition to wear flying goggles on the concrete Chkalov.
The authorities tried to remove the monument, but local residents defended it.
And the stalls were demolished.
Cool Bench-dachshund, Pushkar Garden.

Profitable house of K. T. Didvig, Maly Ave. P. S., 52. The building was built in 1912-1913, architect Ippolit Alexandrovich Pretro, northern modern, this style is found mainly in the North-West - in St. Petersburg and Vyborg .

The building of the theater V. A. Nemetti - Profitable house V. O. Kolyshko (eclecticism), Petrogradskaya side, Chkalovsky prospect, 16. The former owner of the house - retired captain 2nd rank V. O. Kolyshko, husband of V. Nemetti.

Memorial sign «Milestone: Kaliningrad - St. Petersburg», Kaliningrad square (Lodeynopolsky), St. Petersburg, intersection of Bolshaya Zelenina and Lodeynopolskaya streets.

House of A. Yu. Keibel, St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side, Bolshaya Zelenina st., 33/2. Albert Keibel is a hereditary jeweler who made insignia of orderHouse with a sawmill offices and medals of the Russian Empire in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The house was built in 1899 - 1901 according to the project of the architect G. G. von Goli (with the participation of G. D. Grimm), modern. The presence of a turret indicates that the city has always had high-rise regulations, but the owner really wanted to stand out so that his house was higher than the rest and more noticeable.

House with a sawmill office N. Ya. And F. Ya. Kolobovs, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side, Bolshaya Zelenina street, 43, letter V. Architect: N. F. Romanchenko, the building was built in 1913, modern.

The apartment building of Duke N.N. Leuchtenberg, St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side, Bolshaya Zelenina street, 28 (built in 1904 - 1905 ) is another colorful representative of Art Nouveau. This house is the first major building of the architect Fyodor Fedorovich (Friedrich August) von Postels.
The dominant feature of the main facade is a huge mosaic frieze, consisting of five large mosaic panels, created in 1905 according to the sketches of the artist S. T. Shelkovy in the studio of V. A. Frolov. As conceived by the artist, the mosaic is located between the large windows of the fifth floor. For the first time, a landscape was depicted on the building - fields, hills, a river, city buildings, an industrial landscape with tall smoking chimneys. The motives smoothly flow into one another, creating a panorama. On the panel depicting sailing ships at the bottom right, the letter "F" and the year "1905". The texture of unpolished smalt and the relief of its overlay on the base are actively used. The set method, selection of colors according to the principle of "pointillism" is used in the expectation of optical mixing of colors at a certain height. Seams accentuate the outline and borders of color spots.Smalt panels do not have traditional frames and fill the entire free surface of the upper floor.

Primorsky (Deryabkin) market, Maly ave. P.S., 54-56. The building of the former Peasant Market was built in 1955, architects O. B. Golynkin, A. M. Khidekel. Stalinist Empire style. Finally - a local joke: you will never remember the order of Plutalov, Podrezov, Podkovyrov, Polozov streets.

Levashovsky bakery (Barochnaya street, 4a). The building was built in 1930 - 1933 by engineer Georgy Petrovich Marsakov. On the Petrograd side there is a huge number of interesting buildings, many also with an interesting history, it is impossible to describe them all in one note.

(the first square of St. Petersburg, where the city began). On the right in the bushes hid Peter's House - the first Petersburg house, on the left - the eastern part of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Kronverk .

Fortress St. Petersburg Only from above can one estimate the entire power of the once impregnable Peter and Paul Fortress, which has never fired a single combat shot in its entire history.

Cathedral Mosque, Kronverksky Avenue, 7, architects NV Vasilyev, AI von Gauguin, SS Krichinsky, built in 1909 - 1918 years. Cathedral Mosque in St. Petersburg - the largest in Europe
... But the uniqueness of this mosque is not so much in its size as in the synthesis of the architecture of the Northern Art Nouveau and the traditions of the religious architecture of Asia. In this architectural masterpiece, Russian architects managed to harmoniously combine rough Finnish stone in wall decoration with ornate sophisticated majolica and lattice decors. The stylization was so successful that, for all its uniqueness, its naturalness is beyond doubt. The entrance to the mosque. The inscription on the portal above the central entrance: “And when you finish your prayer, remember Allah, whether standing, sitting or lying down. And if you are safe, then pray properly. Indeed, the prayer was prescribed to the believers and the time of its fulfillment was indicated. " (Sura 4 "Women", ayah 103). Mosaic above the main entrance

Arabic script: on the left - "Allah knows your deeds", on the right - "Stand up for prayer." The mosque was opened in 1913, but interior decoration works continued until 1918. Emphasizes that the Russian Empire is a multi-confessional state. Men pray on the first floor, women on the second, and madrasah classes on the third. The minarets of this mosque perform exclusively architectural tasks, no one shouts from them.

Mosque 1913

Frigate "Grace" Restaurant complex at Petrovskaya embankment, stylized as an old sailing ship (three-deck battleship of the late 18th century).

Leo Shi-Tzu (Shi-Dza) - a gift from the Governor of Girin (province of Manchuria) to the Amur Governor-General N.I. Grodekov. The latter, in turn, donated the lions to St. Petersburg. Two cats were registered on the Petrovskaya embankment.

Monument to Nizami Ganjavi There is a pleasant monument to the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi on Kamennoostrovsky Avenue. By the way, in the harsh year 1941, at the insistence of the director of the Hermitage Orbeli, in besieged Leningrad, the poet's 800th birthday was celebrated . Orbeli insisted, they say, how is it possible - the whole country will celebrate the anniversary, but the Hermitage will not? As a result, the poet's poetry was read in the Hermitage in Leningrad, but not in other cities of the Union.

Monument to Lenin on Kamennoostrovsky prospect in the park near the building of the Alexander Lyceum. Bust of Lenin, Novo-Leninsky Square. Many buildings are connected with Lenin in this area, and during the tourist season there are crowds of Chinese, who are led by guides to "Leninist" places.

Lenin bust

Monument to the destroyer «Guarding»
One of the few monuments of the Russian-Japanese war. Fighting with a superior enemy squadron, the crew of the "Guarding" allegedly made a decision to open the Kingston and sink the destroyer. This is a sculptor's fantasy; the Falcon-class destroyers did not have Kingstones, and the ship sank from the damage received.

Nelson's Yard... One citizen, out of nothing to do, dragged all the trash from all over the neighborhood, and as a result, the depressed courtyard of the former apartment building turned into a fairy tale. Not so long ago, the communalists removed most of this trash, now there is not such a mess.

Nelson's Yard On the Petrograd side at 6/17 Polozova Street there is an amazing Nelson's Yard

The sculptural composition "Architects" in the Alexander Park (Petrogradskaya side). Bronze figures of architects: Rastrelli, Rossi, Trezzini, Montferrand, Tom de Thomon, Voronikhin, Bazhenov, Zakharov. There is also a mini-Petersburg model - the main architectural landmarks of the Northern Capital. Monument to Dmitry Shostakovich

Monument to Dmitry Shostakovich in the courtyard of the house where the composer lived and worked during the Siege, where the famous Seventh Symphony (Leningrad) was created. The bust was unveiled on September 26, 1997. Sculptors A. N. Chernitsky, S. A. Chernitsky. Architect S.P. Odnovalov.

Chkalov-on-pipe The monument was erected in the nineties, in an era of great confusion, without the permission of the authorities and any kind of coordination - solely at the behest of the sculptor himself - Yagub Alibabaevich Imranov, whose workshop was located fifteen meters from here. In Soviet times, there was a sports ground here, which has sunk into oblivion after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were beer stalls. So, the sculptor decided to ennoble the park on his own, which is now called Chkalovsky. The cadets of the Academy. AF Mozhaisky has a tradition to wear flying goggles on the concrete Chkalov.
The authorities tried to remove the monument, but local residents defended it.
And the stalls were demolished.

Cool Bench-dachshund, Pushkar Garden.

Profitable house of K. T. Didvig, Maly Ave. P. S., 52. The building was built in 1912-1913, architect Ippolit Alexandrovich Pretro, northern modern, this style is found mainly in the North-West - in St. Petersburg and Vyborg .

The building of the theater V. A. Nemetti - Profitable house V. O. Kolyshko (eclecticism), Petrogradskaya side, Chkalovsky prospect, 16. The former owner of the house - retired captain 2nd rank V. O. Kolyshko, husband of V. Nemetti.

Memorial sign «Milestone: Kaliningrad - St. Petersburg», Kaliningrad square (Lodeynopolsky), St. Petersburg, intersection of Bolshaya Zelenina and Lodeynopolskaya streets.

House of A. Yu. Keibel, St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side, Bolshaya Zelenina st., 33/2. Albert Keibel is a hereditary jeweler who made insignia of orderHouse with a sawmill offices and medals of the Russian Empire in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The house was built in 1899 - 1901 according to the project of the architect G. G. von Goli (with the participation of G. D. Grimm), modern. The presence of a turret indicates that the city has always had high-rise regulations, but the owner really wanted to stand out so that his house was higher than the rest and more noticeable.

House with a sawmill office N. Ya. And F. Ya. Kolobovs, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side, Bolshaya Zelenina street, 43, letter V. Architect: N. F. Romanchenko, the building was built in 1913, modern.

The apartment building of Duke N.N. Leuchtenberg, St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya side, Bolshaya Zelenina street, 28 (built in 1904 - 1905 ) is another colorful representative of Art Nouveau. This house is the first major building of the architect Fyodor Fedorovich (Friedrich August) von Postels.
The dominant feature of the main facade is a huge mosaic frieze, consisting of five large mosaic panels, created in 1905 according to the sketches of the artist S. T. Shelkovy in the studio of V. A. Frolov. As conceived by the artist, the mosaic is located between the large windows of the fifth floor. For the first time, a landscape was depicted on the building - fields, hills, a river, city buildings, an industrial landscape with tall smoking chimneys. The motives smoothly flow into one another, creating a panorama. On the panel depicting sailing ships at the bottom right, the letter "F" and the year "1905". The texture of unpolished smalt and the relief of its overlay on the base are actively used. The set method, selection of colors according to the principle of "pointillism" is used in the expectation of optical mixing of colors at a certain height. Seams accentuate the outline and borders of color spots.Smalt panels do not have traditional frames and fill the entire free surface of the upper floor.

Primorsky (Deryabkin) market, Maly ave. P.S., 54-56. The building of the former Peasant Market was built in 1955, architects O. B. Golynkin, A. M. Khidekel. Stalinist Empire style. Finally - a local joke: you will never remember the order of Plutalov, Podrezov, Podkovyrov, Polozov streets.

Levashovsky bakery (Barochnaya street, 4a). The building was built in 1930 - 1933 by engineer Georgy Petrovich Marsakov. On the Petrograd side there is a huge number of interesting buildings, many also with an interesting history, it is impossible to describe them all in one note.
Themes: Petrograd side 4 photos 417 St.-Petersburg 119
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