V.O. Kolyshko`s Profitable House

Profitable house V.O. Kolyshko photo - St.-Petersburg
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28.03.2020  13:57

The building of V.A.Nemetti Theater - V.O. Kolyshko`s Profitable House (St. Petersburg), Petrogradskaya side, Chkalovsky prospect, 16. The former owner of the house - retired captain of the 2nd rank V.O. Kolyshko, husband of V. Nemetti.

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photo near St.-Petersburg
  • Primorskiy (Deryabkin) market
  • K. T. Didwig`s apartment building
  • V.O. Kolyshko`s Profitable House
  • Apartment house of Duke N. N. Leuchtenberg
  • House of A. Yu. Keibel

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eclecticism  Eclecticism — architecture style on a photo.


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