Museums of St. Petersburg

9 photo with description
In St. Petersburg, a very many museums. St. Petersburg Museums, briefly:


Danae and ghosts photo - Hermitage

The largest museum in Russiaand one of the largest museums in the world, the Hermitage is several buildings connected to each other. The visitor does not even notice how, having entered the Winter Palace, he moves to the Small Hermitage, the Hermitage Theater, the New Hermitage. Initially, a small collection, started by Empress Catherine II, became open to the public in 1852, and later became a gigantic modern exhibition and the museum building stretched between Palace Embankmentand Millionnaya Street. The name Hermitage was given to the apartments with that first collection, later on this name was given to the museum.

Peacock Clock photo - Hermitage

Peacock Watch

Alexander Hall of the Hermitage photo - Hermitage
Alexander Hallof the Hermitage.

Hermitage. Knight's Hall photo - Hermitage
Hermitage. Knight's Hall.

Grand Layout Russia

Black Sea Beach photo - Grand-layout Russia

The grand layout of Russia is a great, modern, interactive museum, in which both adults and children are interested. Collective images of cities are created on the conventional map of Russia. Besides the fact that cars and trains travel on the map, another day and night shift has been implemented.

Rybinsk Reservoir Photos - Grand Layout Russia
Rybinsk Reservoir - Grand Layout Russia.

Severodvinsk photo - Grand-layout Russia
Severodvinsk- Grand Layout Russia. The address of the museum is the Grand Layout Russia - St. Petersburg, 18, Tsvetochnaya Street.

18th century Petersburg layout

Upper Garden in Peterhof photo - Layout of Petersburg of the XVIII century
Peterhof Upper Garden- 18th century Petersburg layout.

In the “Admiral” shopping and entertainment center near the “Admiralteyskaya” metro station a model of young St. Petersburg and suburbs of the 18th century was created. There are a number of historical blunders on it, but in general the museum is informative and interesting.

Petershtadt fortress photo - Model of Petersburg of the XVIII century
Peterstadt Fortress.


Themes: museums 22  photos 417  St.-Petersburg 119  

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