Celebratory fireworks

Celebratory fireworks photo - Navy Day
1600x1072 | 283.28 Kb
26.07.2009  23:10

Celebratory salute in Navy Day. The feast ending on Senatskaya Square.

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photo near Navy Day
  • Kaliningrad
  • Spectators
  • Celebratory fireworks
  • Panorama of Neva with the ships on spot-check
  • Parade of the ships on Neva

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Salutes, fireworks, pyrotechnic shows in St.-Petersburg. The most colourful and entertainment light show, certainly, — «Scarlet Sails» — the holiday of graduates which is passing in the end of June. By all means pass salutes and on other big holidays: Day ... →


monuments  St.-Petersburg on an extent of two centuries from the moment of the basis was capital of the Russian empire, was its cultural, political centre. Monuments, sculptures and obelisks are dispersed on all city, concentrating, certainly, in the centre Petersburg. Separately: only Petersburg ... →


Sculptures in St.-Petersburg stand continually, in particular in the centre, where плотност monuments the phenomenal. The known sculpture most, perhaps, one of the main symbols of a city on Neva -«Copper Horseman». The Equestrian statue in honour of ... →


Senatskaya Square  Is renamed into the square of Decembrists in memory of revolt of revolutionaries of noble family on December, 14th ­1825 Before the area was called as Senatorial, on the Senate and Synod building. In Catherine II board the ... →


St.-Petersburg is based in 1703 to year.

coast of the Neva delta from of old were a part of the earths of Great Novgorod. Neva — one of sites of an ... →


White nights  Poetical name of the phenomenon of northern widths connected with rotation of the earth and increase of light day in summer months. Apogee is day of a summer solstice on 22nd of June, when night the shortest in a year. In St.-Petersburg the phenomenon not on is bright, as behind Polar circle so much, but the word combination ... →



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