Harley Davidson Days in St.-Petersburg
59 photo with description09.08.2015 07:33
09.08.2015 07:33
Andrey Panevin

On Palace Square has passed show of bikers Days Harley Davidson. Bikers from all Russia and countries of Europe have gathered on Palace Square and an amicable column have defiled on Nevsky prospectus to Ostrovsky's Square.
Girl on bike.

Bikers on Palace Square.
Red bike with red flag of the USSR.
Palace Square on perimetre has been forced by various two-wheeled technics.
And not only two-wheeled!
Silvery tricycle.
Old man has surrounded the people and any hipster interviewed.
Bike-girl in viking helmet.
From Spain man? Judging by an inscription on a T-shirt «Alkatras» (fortress in Toledo).
Girl made selfie against motorcycles.
Passers-by and tourists strove to be photographed with each motorcycle.
Krasnodar bikers.
Tourists photograph sights. And against bike.
Other tourists entertain, in the meantime, themselves photographing against sights of the area. Ekaterina brings a make-up.
Three athletes.
Before start.
Have gone! Young ladies are photographed against a column of motorcyclists.
Column of bikers on Nevsky prospect.

In a column went also motorcyclists of traffic police.
Bikers on Nevsky prospectus.
Biker welcomes a column of colleagues
Passengers of buses poured out on street and were put out in windows.
Conductor too!
Passers-by photograph a column of bikers on all that is near at hand.
American retrocar.
Last bikers come on Ostrovsky's Square. This with European Union numbers, from apart to us has welcomed. The Austrians, Estonians came across to me.
Daughter, show a goat! Here so!
At the little girl something did not develop.
Dodge Challenger Darth Vader.
Ford Mustang.
Motorcycle with stroller.
A-la old American fire-engine.
Pedestal with a motorcycle, the people climbed joyfully up and photographed.
Suddenly — Nano ice cream!
Officer of traffic police explains to children of traffic regulations.
At some distance, in the street Architect Rossi, there was an exhibition self-made bike.
On Ostrovsky's Square stood a scene from which any group sang another's hits, everyones there AC/DC and other Manowar.
Skating rink and an autoboat. Well and a catfish festival have unrolled for some days, various actions were both during a weekand on Sunday.

Girl on bike.

Bikers on Palace Square.

Red bike with red flag of the USSR.

Palace Square on perimetre has been forced by various two-wheeled technics.

And not only two-wheeled!


Silvery tricycle.

Old man has surrounded the people and any hipster interviewed.

Bike-girl in viking helmet.

From Spain man? Judging by an inscription on a T-shirt «Alkatras» (fortress in Toledo).

Girl made selfie against motorcycles.

Passers-by and tourists strove to be photographed with each motorcycle.

Krasnodar bikers.

Tourists photograph sights. And against bike.

Other tourists entertain, in the meantime, themselves photographing against sights of the area. Ekaterina brings a make-up.

Three athletes.

Before start.

Have gone! Young ladies are photographed against a column of motorcyclists.

Column of bikers on Nevsky prospect.

In a column went also motorcyclists of traffic police.

Bikers on Nevsky prospectus.

Biker welcomes a column of colleagues

Passengers of buses poured out on street and were put out in windows.

Conductor too!

Passers-by photograph a column of bikers on all that is near at hand.

American retrocar.

Last bikers come on Ostrovsky's Square. This with European Union numbers, from apart to us has welcomed. The Austrians, Estonians came across to me.

Daughter, show a goat! Here so!
At the little girl something did not develop.

Dodge Challenger Darth Vader.

Ford Mustang.

Motorcycle with stroller.

A-la old American fire-engine.

Pedestal with a motorcycle, the people climbed joyfully up and photographed.

Suddenly — Nano ice cream!

Officer of traffic police explains to children of traffic regulations.


At some distance, in the street Architect Rossi, there was an exhibition self-made bike.

On Ostrovsky's Square stood a scene from which any group sang another's hits, everyones there AC/DC and other Manowar.

Skating rink and an autoboat. Well and a catfish festival have unrolled for some days, various actions were both during a weekand on Sunday.
Themes: Harley Davidson Days 1 holidays 34 motorcycles 3 Nevsky prospect 5 Palace Square 5 people 30 photos 417 reportage 33 St.-Petersburg 119 technics 17
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Modern photo Harley Davidson Days, holidays, motorcycles, Nevsky prospect, Palace Square, people, reportage, St.-Petersburg, technics.