Museums Night. 7 epoch in the Museum of Artillery

25 photo with description
In Night of Museums in Kronverk there passes a party reenactors different military-historical clubs of St.-Petersburg. A few photo:

Wehrmacht is charged by a photo dope — Night of Museums
Wehrmacht soldiers are charged by a dope and look at me as on a shit.

Naval and infantry — Night of Museums

Somewhere efficiently scratch naval and the young lady in the form of the infantryman.



Cavalrymen. German World War I?

Spanish tankman
Spanish tankman

Camp of Spaniards
Camp of Spaniards of times of civil war in Spain.

Camp of Spaniards


Photo for memory
All in gathering: the Red Army man, Wehrmacht, Roman legionary and «northerner» of times of civil war in America.

Waffen-SS and the major of Red Army
Waffen-SS and the major of Red Army discuss the plan fights drink.

Camp of Germans
Camp of Germans.

SS-man check a machine gun
SS-man check a machine gun.

Ladies dressed up on the beginning of the XX-th century
Ladies dressed up on the beginning of the XX-th century.

German infantryman on a motorcycle
German infantryman on a motorcycle.

German infantryman on a motorcycle

Couple of Germans
Couple of Germans. At the young lady any artful stripe of one of elite divisions SS.

Nurse of the Red Cross, World War I
Nurse of the Red Cross, World War I. And the young lady in civil the same times.

Red Army men
Red Army men, World War II.

Photographer from a camp of Wehrmacht
Photographer from a camp of Wehrmacht.

Waffen-SS protects an armoured troop-carrier
Waffen-SS protects an armoured troop-carrier.

German photographs fight of the Roman legionaries with barbarians
German photographs fight of the Roman legionaries with barbarians.

Dog of a health service of Red Army
Dog of a health service of Red Army. The dog has barked at me.

Waffen-SS and Hitler Youth
Waffen-SS and Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend).

Soldier of Wehrmacht and Red Army
Soldier of Wehrmacht and Red Army.

All! Photo of Romans in separate post.


Themes: holidays 34  Kronverk 2  military-historical reconstruction 13  Museum`s night 2  people 30  photos 417  reportage 33  St.-Petersburg 119  

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