Mosaic courtyard in St. Petersburg
6 photo with description09.04.2019 07:23
09.04.2019 07:23
Andrey Panevin

The amazing mosaic courtyard is in St. Petersburg, the address - st.
Tchaikovsky, 2 / 7B.
Small Academy of Arts.

Mosaic figures in the courtyard of the Small Academy of Arts.
Mosaic caryatids at the entrance to the Small Academy of Arts in the Salt Town.
From the Fontanka side, the entrance to the courtyard behind the code lock, you can get into the mosaic courtyard of the Small Academy of Arts through the courtyards from Tchaikovsky Street (marked on the map with an arrow).
Be sure to visit this landmark of St. Petersburg!

Small Academy of Arts.

Mosaic figures in the courtyard of the Small Academy of Arts.

Mosaic caryatids at the entrance to the Small Academy of Arts in the Salt Town.


From the Fontanka side, the entrance to the courtyard behind the code lock, you can get into the mosaic courtyard of the Small Academy of Arts through the courtyards from Tchaikovsky Street (marked on the map with an arrow).

Be sure to visit this landmark of St. Petersburg!
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