1st of May in St.-Petersburg
47 photo with description01.05.2017 16:25
01.05.2017 16:25
Andrey Panevin

So, photo year old, from the 1st of May 2016, St.-Petersburg.
Ship builders of Petersburg.
Celebrating пе1st of May рвомай with balls in colours of a flag of Russia.
Naval orchestra.
Girls photographed against military seamen.
After Nevsky prospectus procession came to Palace Square pulls together representatives of the largest companies of Petersburg.
Flags of the «United Russia» party.
Car of Kolpino area — area of the soldier.
Car of Kolpino area — area of the worker.
Car of Kolpino area — area of scientists.
The Orchestra of girls-beauties.
Orchestra of a column of the Vyborg area
Passers-by with beauties from an orchestra with pleasure photographed.
Palace Square all was in various flags of parties and the companies.

I do not know it it has been planned, but suddenly on Palace drummers were drew and have rather fervently won back.
Ancient car "Volga», for holidays regularly creeps out different rare car industry.
One more meeting has been co-ordinated on the Isaakievsky area.
the Photographer of «greens» in a ridiculous suit of a polar bear.

For nazis the police has politely asked to be curtailed.
Supporters of Ingria.
Tourists make selfie against red flags.
What only freaks at us do not happen!
Tourists are photographed with a python.
Signs of time — a street mobile coffee.
Nazi holds a meeting on the Nevsky prospectus.
And tourists are occupied more by important issues — selfie.

Ship builders of Petersburg.

Celebrating пе1st of May рвомай with balls in colours of a flag of Russia.

Naval orchestra.

Girls photographed against military seamen.

After Nevsky prospectus procession came to Palace Square pulls together representatives of the largest companies of Petersburg.

Flags of the «United Russia» party.

Car of Kolpino area — area of the soldier.

Car of Kolpino area — area of the worker.

Car of Kolpino area — area of scientists.

The Orchestra of girls-beauties.

Orchestra of a column of the Vyborg area

Passers-by with beauties from an orchestra with pleasure photographed.

Palace Square all was in various flags of parties and the companies.

I do not know it it has been planned, but suddenly on Palace drummers were drew and have rather fervently won back.

Ancient car "Volga», for holidays regularly creeps out different rare car industry.

One more meeting has been co-ordinated on the Isaakievsky area.

the Photographer of «greens» in a ridiculous suit of a polar bear.

For nazis the police has politely asked to be curtailed.

Supporters of Ingria.

Tourists make selfie against red flags.

What only freaks at us do not happen!

Tourists are photographed with a python.

Signs of time — a street mobile coffee.

Nazi holds a meeting on the Nevsky prospectus.

And tourists are occupied more by important issues — selfie.
Themes: 1st May 3 holidays 34 people 30 photos 417 reportage 33 St.-Petersburg 119
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