Fountain near Spit of Vasilievsky Island

Fountain near Spit of Vasilievsky Island photo - Night city
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13.07.2008  00:40

For the summer period near Spit of Vasilevsky island was floating fountain with unusual and beauty illumination. And from the Spit classical music plays, creating magnificent colour and «operating» fountain.

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photo near Night city
  • Carriages
  • Peter and Paul Fortress
  • Fountain near Spit of Vasilievsky Island
  • Monument to Suvorov
  • Night Palace quay

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are separately selected fountains of St.-Petersburg.


Basic waterway St.-Petersburg. On its coast Peter I has put one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Neva — the river unique: in spite of the fact that it short enough, by quantity of moved water enters into ten the largest rivers of a planet. It is navigable on all ... →


Spit of Vasilievsky Island  Amazing on beauty and a harmony ensemble St.-Petersburg. From water area Neva the view on a prepotent construction — the Stock exchange building (nowadays — the Navy fleet museum) opens. On each side flanking buildings Southern and Northern ... →


St.-Petersburg is based in 1703 to year.

coast of the Neva delta from of old were a part of the earths of Great Novgorod. Neva — one of sites of an ... →


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