Trolley bus YATB-1

Trolley bus YATB-1 photo - Museum of Electric Transport
1600x1065 | 1201.43 Kb
07.04.2018  15:10

Trolley buses marks YATB-1 one of the first opened trolleybus movement in Leningrad on October, 21st 1936 year. Trolley buses of this model were considered irrevocably lost while in 1996 to year on a country site under Zelenogorsky restorers of the Museum of city electric transport have not found out a shed constructed of a wooden body of a unique trolley bus.


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photo near Museum of Electric Transport
  • Tram Brush
  • Trolley bus YATB-1
  • Trams LM-57 and MS-4
  • Cars LM-33/LP-33
  • Horsecar

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Museum of electric transport, St.-Petersburg, Vasilevsky island, Middle avenue, 77. Retro trams and trolleybuses, history of electic transport of St.-Petersburg.


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