The most interesting and unusual sculptures and art objects in Russia. Part 4
33 photo with description26.09.2019 07:20
26.09.2019 07:20
Andrey Panevin


The sculpture " Talker Bird " is funny, Vologda, Shopping area.
The author is the Vologda blacksmith Artyom Marshak. On the pedestal, this date and “gift to Vologda residents” are stamped. Monument to the mind and quick wits! : D

The architectural composition “The Pooch basking in the hatch”, address: Vologda, Torgovaya Ploshchad (near the Palisad Hotel ). For some reason I did not find a sculpture of a dog pissing on a pole. Either the sculpture is gone or badly searched. In theory, she is somewhere near this dog.

Wrought iron piggy bank on the Famous Mountain (near the Vologda Kremlin ).
Alexander Chernov, Sergey Fominsky, Oleg Konin and Alexey Nikulin have been working on the project for five years. As a tree, an apple tree with liquid fruits was chosen, which symbolizes family values. In the trunk there are several holes for coins that fall into a large piggy bank. As the authors of the project themselves say, before lowering a coin, one must make a wish. You can also sit under a wrought tree, a bench is arranged around the art object.
When the piggy bank has accumulated, it will be opened. But where to spend the money raised, the residents of Vologda will decide in an online survey.

The sculpture " Muse with a pipe ", part of the composition of the monument to K. N. Batyushkov.

Monument to the poet K. N. Batyushkov, erected in 1987 to the bicentenary of the writer's birthday, architect V. Snegirev, sculptor V. Klykov.
Vologda, famous mountain.

The sculpture "Nika" ( Athena Pallas ), part of the composition of the monument to K. N. Batyushkov.
Vologda, famous mountain.

The letter "O", opened June 29, 2012 to the day of the city. The idea of the monument belongs to the students of the Vologda Institute of Business and reflects the famous Vologda "ocany".
And yes, from this angle, the monument looks the most interesting :))
Address: Vologda, Square on Cathedral Hill.

Wrought iron bench "We sit-pookem", a gift from the blacksmiths to the city.
Well, the guests of Vologda and Vologda are happily photographed on this bench.
As I understood it, after the installation, a accordion and a collection of poems with lines were added: “It is light in my room, it is from a night star. Mother will take a bucket, silently bring water ... ".

The wooden mill in the park on Sobornaya Gorka near the kids is very popular :) Art object “The Mill of Desires”. Quite a cool idea.

The art object “ Door to ... ” on the Vologda river embankment appeared on September 6, 2014 as part of the
Then there will be a horror :)

Composition of animated characters in the October square of Vologda . Two crocodiles standing on a turtle and frogs next to tulips. Now you have seen, if not everything, then much!

Tulips and frogs . From the adjacent clip: Children feeding penguins ( Omsk )

The most carbon bear in Russia! : D

Tomb of the unknown cat :)
In fact, I could not google what kind of art object.
Vologda pleased with an abundance of sculptures and monuments. The last two are generally finished :)

“ Wave of friendship ” - a sculpture from the twin city of Varkaus ( Finland )
Posted by: Anna Kettunen.
The arch on the left is “ Unity ” (“ Spark of Friendship ”), symbolizing cooperation between two cities of two different countries, a gift from the city of Joensuu (Finland).
Posted by Teppo Laurinolli.


Stylized guns on the embankment of Lake Onega in Petrozavodsk .

Idol-like pillar .

Onego is a gift from the Leningrad Region to Petrozavodsk in honor of the 300th anniversary of the city. Allegorically depicts the birth of a new outpost of Russia - a warrior descends from a boat to the shore, where a new city will be founded.
TTX: Height with pedestal 11.5 m, height of the figure of a warrior 7.5 m.

An avant-garde installation on Lake Onega embankment, donated by the twin city of Duluth (Minnesota, USA). Russian and American fishermen throw a net together - as conceived by the author, this symbolizes joint creative work.
Posted by Rafael Consuegra.

From shit and sticks to make such a beauty!

The opus of Kalevala immortalized in stone (square named after Elias Lönnrot).

Stone god. Embankment of Lake Onega .

One of the two cast-iron lions on Lenin Square in Petrozavodsk .

Wooden sculptures. As I understand it, it was a temporary outdoor exhibition. Well, yes, and the tree is very short-lived.

Shod rose.

Angels (well, probably). T.N. "Stone embankment". The boulders were not removed, but made them part of the art objects. Great!

Art object "Sun".

The sculpture "Mermaid" (?)

I accidentally stumbled over a beautiful sculpture from the 80s (apparently all these years).

Wooden funny sculpture "Fisherman and the Mermaid".

Lovely wooden cat :3
To be continued!
Separately: Monuments and sculptures of St. Petersburg
Previous notes:
The most interesting and unusual sculptures and art objects in Russia. Part 1 (mosaic caryatids, a kitty on a battery, barge haulers on the Volga, comrade Sukhov)
Part 2 (Lyubochka, locksmith Stepanych, children feed the penguins)
Part 3 (Zilant, Shurik and Lida, Mushrooms with eyes)
Themes: attractions 134 best 26 monuments 72 photos 417 sculpture 71 travel 286
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