Parade of ice breakers
5 photo with description06.05.2014 02:15
06.05.2014 02:15
Andrey Panevin

To discharge notes about a trip on Italy, I hasten to inform: on May, 3-4rd, 2014 in Petersburg have organised «Parade of ice breakers». Well, parade not parade — there have arrived 5 ships, 3 (Captain Zarubin, Mudjug and St.-Petersburg) have been moored at quay of Lieutenant Schmidt, 2 ice breakers at English quay.
Ice breakers Mudjug and St.-Petersburg.

The ice breaker Captain Zarubin
Blagoveshchensky bridge and ice breakers at English quay.
On ice breakers started up, and there were turns at 2-3 o'clock, on an attestation of eyewitnesses. On mass-media there has passed the information that it will be possible to examine ice breaker all anyone.
Monument to Krusenstern. Photo to a collection. And that how many time happened on this quay, the picture did not find time to make all.

Ice breakers Mudjug and St.-Petersburg.

The ice breaker Captain Zarubin

Blagoveshchensky bridge and ice breakers at English quay.
On ice breakers started up, and there were turns at 2-3 o'clock, on an attestation of eyewitnesses. On mass-media there has passed the information that it will be possible to examine ice breaker all anyone.


Monument to Krusenstern. Photo to a collection. And that how many time happened on this quay, the picture did not find time to make all.
Themes: everyday life of St.-Petersburg 5 fleet 11 Neva 10 photos 417 ships 17 St.-Petersburg 119
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