Grand Model Russia

61 photo with description
So, Grand Model Russia — the subjective photo-review of a museum. DO NOT TOUCH!

Near Peter and Pavel's Cathedral
Near Peter and Pavel's Cathedral
Current place at night. Peter and Pavel's Cathedral on a breadboard model was under construction consistently. That have made the last — made clocks and carillon (if to listen he with some periodicity quietly plays a melody).

Near Peter and Pavel's Cathedral

Near Peter and Pavel's Cathedral
Same place at night.

Amusement park
Amusement park

Recreation park
Recreation park

To the Far East are thrown tanks
To the Far East are thrown tanks by train

Black Sea beach
Black Sea beach
Rest on a beach of Black sea and photographed on a pier.

Standard Soviet a recreation centre
Standard Soviet a recreation centre

Before collars of a zoo
Before collars of a zoo


Rock festival
Rock festival


River craft with underwater wings «Meteor» passes under the bridge.

River-police arrests poachers
River-police arrests poachers

The Rybinsk water basin
The Rybinsk water basin
On a model change of day and night is realised. Over the Rybinsk water basin night. The place is defined by the flooded church with a belltower sticking out from under water. At opposite coast it is moored cruise ship.

On a breadboard model many amusing sketches. Somewhere hens peck grain, somewhere the drunk embraces a column. Here — demonstration with slogans: «Us break», «Protect this model».

Coal thermal power station
Coal thermal power station

Garages and recycling of old «Bug»
Garages and recycling of old «Bug»

Sign «Europe-Asia»
The Sign «Europe-Asia»
Wedding is photographed before a sign «Europe-Asia».

Foothills of Ural Mountains
Foothills of Ural Mountains

state district power station
State district power station
Generalized character of the state district power stations constructed on the big Siberian rivers.

the Jumper which has jumped from the bridge
Jumper which has jumped from the bridge

On a breadboard model the most complicated system of tracks with tunnels, outcomes, bridges and depot. For management of all this business the small centre with two tens screens and the full scheme of ways thanks to what the dispatcher supervises movement is created. This time we have not found locomotive which carries pair of cars and even lets out a smoke at movement (time five-ten minutes one of employees injects locomotive «cube» from a syringe). What to say that over this miracle of technics «stick» not only children, but also adults.

film studio
Film studio
Model of a cruiser «Aurora» near a film studio. On a roof a rotating UFO (even with working dimensional fires).

The Far East
The Far East
in the bottom are formation of soldiers. Near trains throw a tank division.

Bridge to island Russian
Bridge to island Russian
Bridge to island Russian (Russky) on a breadboard model has made the bridge on a half-year before official opening!

Ka-50 Black shark
Ka-50 «Black shark»
Almost unique Ka-50 «Black shark», and those is in the Far East. A generalised character of the military airdromes located in east part of the Russia.

a polar city
Polar city
Generalized character of Russian north. On a breadboard model near to snow-covered cities — deer, chukchi/Eskimos, plagues.

Seaport, railway terminal
Seaport, railway terminal
Sea containers before loading on the railway.

sunk launch
Sunk launch
Near to a vessel the little man with a small lamp explore a hole.

Underwater bathyscaphe at a board of a scientific vessel «Academician Mstislav Keldysh»
The underwater bathyscaphe at a board of a scientific vessel «Academician Mstislav Keldysh»

Railway crossing and logging base
Railway crossing and logging base
Generalized character of the Arkhangelsk region and republic Komi.

Gas storehouse, woodworking factory
Gas storehouse, woodworking factory
Gas storehouse, woodworking factory and the railway leaving on the southeast.

gas pipeline
Gas pipeline
By rail is carried by newcomers of a tractor.

On the destroyed thrown many-storeyed house the people are playing in strikeball.

Bridges and a state district power station
Bridges and a state district power station
Railway and automobile bridges and a state district power station (a view from the model opposite side). We have again got to Siberia, on the right — the Ural mountains, for which European part of Russia.

Small houses
Small houses
Small houses, Urals.

Glory to work
Glory to work
the inscription Laid out on a slope «Glory to work». An artefact of Soviet period.

The place of falling of the Tungus meteorite
The place of falling of the Tungus meteorite

Gang arrest
Gang arrest
In territory of factory the police has tied a gang.

Cave explorers
Cave explorers
Explorers study a cave. Ural Mountains.

Stone breakage
Stone breakage

Open-cast mine
Open-cast mine
Working out of rubble, a rock. At the left — depot. Hardly further automobile highway and the river. In the foreground — railroad.

Balloon start
Balloon start


is more exact — a generalised character: Severodvinsk, Severomorsk and naval bases on Kola peninsula.

a nuclear-powered submarine at a pier
a nuclear-powered submarine at a pier

Neva, Peter the Great Bridge. On a background on the right a belltower the Peter and Paul cathedral (for the present without hours).

Houses in a cut
Houses in a cut

Poster: «We have defended Leningrad. We will restore it!»
Poster: «We have defended Leningrad. We will restore it!»

Formula 1 on Neva
Formula 1 on Neva
Is photos from the present action which were passing in 2009 year: Formula 1 on water. On a background a generalised character of the big bridges through Neva (most of all similar on Liteyniy bridge though competition is spent between Palace brige and Troitsk bridge).

University quay, the Egyptian sphinxes
University quay, the Egyptian sphinxes
University quay, the Egyptian sphinxes and wedding.

Wedding near Sphinxes
Wedding near Sphinxes

Spit of Vasilevsky island
Spit of Vasilevsky island
Spit of Vasilevsky island, the Stock exchange Building, the Hare island, Peter and Paul Fortress, Peter and Paul cathedral, Neva (with a sailing regatta passing on it). For Summer garden the place (on the right, near to humpbacked Laundries the bridge).

Cabriolets before the Stock exchange
Cabriolets before the Stock exchange
Behind the Stock exchange there passes a party of owners of cabriolets.

Cabrio club
Cabrio club

Fountain in park
Fountain in park



Petersburg at night
Petersburg at night

Before the Peter and Paul cathedral
Before the Peter and Paul cathedral
This place in the afternoon.

Near the Peter and Paul cathedral
Near the Peter and Paul cathedral
This place in the afternoon.

Steamship at University quay
Steamship at University quay

Necessarily visit in Grand Model Russia! It is assured as adults, and children will be delighted. The museum is to the address: St.-Petersburg, street Tsvetochnaya, house 18.


Themes: Grand Model Russia 2  museums 22  photos 417  reportage 33  St.-Petersburg 119  

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