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Series of photo «Spit of Vasilievsky Island» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 33 pix Pix arrows of Vasilevsky island from trip.


Amazing on beauty and a harmony ensemble St.-Petersburg. From water area Neva the view on a prepotent construction — the Stock exchange building (nowadays — the Navy fleet museum) opens. On each side flanking buildings Southern and Northern warehouse. One of most colorful city symbols are two Rostral columns, stylised under this sort of constructions in ancient Rome. They are established in honor of sea victories in Northern war in which course Russia has won coast of Baltic sea.

systematic development of east extremity of island has begun in 1710 th years. Already the first project of a lay-out of a city (1716) On an arrow the area which has been built up on a coastal arch with apartment houses was outlined. A bookmark Kunstkamera was necessary the creation beginning here the city centre. In 1721 the decree about construction on an arrow of the governmental building of Twelve boards (ten boards, the Senate and the Synod) has followed. In connection with the organisation here port warehouse and trading buildings are under construction. So-called New Gostini dvor on the bank of Small Neva (architect The house. Trezzini, 17221735) has begun formation — on an arrow of a floor space. In 1783 on an arrow building of a building of the Stock exchange and the new case of Academy of Sciences has begun. Their projects — has developed architect D.Kvarengi. Kvarengi begun under the project — Stock exchange building — has not been finished. The new project has developed architect Т. de Tomon (1801). In 18031804 architect A.D.Zaharov has presented the brilliant — project of creation on an arrow of an architectural ensemble, with inclusion — to it Stock exchange buildings. Ensemble formation has come to the end in first third XIX century when under project Т de by Tomona the building of the Stock exchange and in connection with it of two warehouses and customs (architect here has been built. I.F.Lukini). In the Soviet years the area before the Stock exchange have transformed into square under the project architect L.A.Ilyin (19251926).

constructions Occurring at different times on an arrow, supplementing also it is composite «supporting» each other, have made the complete architectural ensemble — inseparably linked with water open spaces Neva.

In the beginning of XX century On the spacious area between buildings of Twelve — boards and Stock exchanges have erected a large complex of cases of Institute — of obstetrics and gynecology (architect L.N.Benua, 18971907). It has caused an essential damage to harmonious ensemble.

from east arrow the unprecedented wide panorama Peter and Paul Fortress with a dynamical spike of a cathedral and a long line of majestic buildings Palace quay opens.

In 2008 to year the view on an Spit of Vasilievsky Island has been hopelessly spoilt by buildings Commodity-stock exchange and houses «Financier» which are well visible with Troitsky bridge. The court has decided to clean a semicircular roof, paternal a stock exchange building there was even more defective, but all as well appreciable.

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