Moto-season start
61 photo with description03.05.2016 20:46
03.05.2016 20:46
Andrey Panevin

May 2nd, 2016 was moto-season start. Gathering was on Ostrovskogo Square.
Yellow Hummer.
Our biker fraternizes with foreign camarade.
Lady on bike.
Bikes on Ostrovskogo Square.
Hummer enjoyed wide popularity for selfie.
Man made selfie for memory.
Biker and police officers.
Last preparations for start.
Police motorcyclists also prepare for start, clasp helmets.
Well and I have go to Palace Square, to meet a column.
Has on the way meet cheerful young ladies.
Nevsky avenue without any public transport.

Beginning of a column of bikers.
Bikers — are positive people, also was in Harley Davidson Days in St.-Petersburg.
Respect to me! Yeah!
And to you, bikers!:)
Take five! I, whenever possible, tried to react, if saw given a hand.
And to you, greetings, the beauty!
V — victory!

Take five!
Finda cat character of «Sesame Street», Elmo.
Motorcyclist with tricolor and a ridiculous tail.
Column of bikers on Nevsky avenue.
Selfie! Photo of day, unequivocally!
For the Native land!
Biker with a stripe «Polite people»
On tricolor — words of Russian hymn.
Many motorcyclists had amusing helmets, as here at it young ladies — ornamented and with ears.
Columned bikers at Palace Square. I expected that motorcyclists will go on a main square of St.-Petersburg.
Attention to the lady on the right :)
That's all!
Organizers and police Finished a column.

Yellow Hummer.


Our biker fraternizes with foreign camarade.

Lady on bike.


Bikes on Ostrovskogo Square.

Hummer enjoyed wide popularity for selfie.

Man made selfie for memory.

Biker and police officers.

Last preparations for start.

Police motorcyclists also prepare for start, clasp helmets.
Well and I have go to Palace Square, to meet a column.

Has on the way meet cheerful young ladies.

Nevsky avenue without any public transport.

Beginning of a column of bikers.

Bikers — are positive people, also was in Harley Davidson Days in St.-Petersburg.

Respect to me! Yeah!
And to you, bikers!:)

Take five! I, whenever possible, tried to react, if saw given a hand.

And to you, greetings, the beauty!


V — victory!

Take five!



Motorcyclist with tricolor and a ridiculous tail.

Column of bikers on Nevsky avenue.

Selfie! Photo of day, unequivocally!

For the Native land!


Biker with a stripe «Polite people»

On tricolor — words of Russian hymn.

Many motorcyclists had amusing helmets, as here at it young ladies — ornamented and with ears.


Columned bikers at Palace Square. I expected that motorcyclists will go on a main square of St.-Petersburg.

Attention to the lady on the right :)

That's all!

Organizers and police Finished a column.
Themes: holidays 34 motorcycles 3 Nevsky prospect 5 people 30 photos 417 reportage 33 St.-Petersburg 119 technics 17
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