Catholic church
1600x1065 | 496.43 Kb
03.09.2016 15:16

Kostyol is in a deplorable state, I hope will restore. That he war has endured a miracle and costs till now. The full name — the Temple of Immaculate conception by Presvjatoj of Maiden Maria (a crossroads of streets Uritsky and Pamfilova).
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photo near Smolensk
Photo churches and cathedrals, temples and chapels. The church architecture created by great architects or unknown serf masters. Photos churches St.-Petersburg, Voronezh, hardly Moscow, ... →
Smolensk — one of the oldest Russian cities about which fortress broke teeths not one horde of aggressors. Both Poles, and Frenchmen, and Germans. Despite it, in Smolensk historical buildings, which, fortunately, in an excellent condition (the historical centre, for example) have remained many.
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