Exhibition «Berlin Battle»

55 photo with description
In Lenexpo, in pavilion №5 there passes the remarkable exhibition dated for the 70 anniversary of a victory on nazi Germany. I at last on this exhibition have got. Unlike habitual panoramas in museums, the effect of presence here is created and it is possible to wander across Berlin of the end of April — beginning of May, 1945.

So, ~6 ten photo, be reserved by patience:
Stand with photos and documents about Berlin Battle
Prior to the beginning of excursion it is possible to familiarise with photos and documents.

Stand with photos and Fight documents for Berlin
On the centre the well-known photo of Reichstag from the plane: a photo of the correspondent of the newspaper Victor Temina's «Truth«» on May, 1st, 1945. For the report, the flag over a dome "is added".

Stand with photos and Fight documents for Berlin

Poster drawn to an exhibition
Pleasant poster drawn to an exhibition.
Army tent
Army tent.

Room of the Berliner
First where we get in the excursion beginning — a room of the Berliner.

Room of the Berliner
Guide asks: How do you think, than the owner of apartment was occupied before war here has come?

Room of the Berliner
Answer: the traveller. The guide confirms, yes, on walls you can see pictures. The artist. In a corner the climbing equipment lies. The climber.

Room of the Berliner
But here has come war. On a window sill an empty bottle and a German grenade.

Grenade on a window sill

Room of the Berliner
On a table — ammo cartridges and equipped machine-gun tape.

Machine gun MG-42
In a wall towards Reichstag is directed to a breach machine gun MG-42.

German grenade
At a sofa rolls a German grenade.

Field of last fight: square before Reichstag. Nurse renders first aid to the wounded fighter of Red Army
Nurse renders first aid to the wounded fighter of Red Army.

Our guide. Perfectly the young lady told! From teeth jumped aside.

Furniture from the destroyed house and the propaganda poster
Furniture from the destroyed house and the propaganda poster.

Fighter of Red Army
Fighter of Red Army Peter Dolgih (was die in April, 30th at storm of Reichstag).

German antiaircraft gun 88 mm and coming Russian infantry
German anti-aircraft gun 88 mm and coming Russian infantry. All at war countries in the war beginning have joyfully learnt that their artillery is powerless against modern tanks. But 88-millimetric gun perfectly consulted! A problem only that there is no protective guard.

Infantryman of Red Army
Infantryman of Red Army

ne of assault groups
One of assault groups. Lieutenant S. E. Sorokin and the senior sergeant I. N. Lysenko at the moment of storm Reichstag.

Broken car of division SS «Vallonia»
Destroyed car. Attention to an emblem on a door!

Destroyed car
And on the other hand emblems are not present!

Destroyed car
On a bumper, as well as it is necessary, a tactical designation of an accessory to a combat arm. Germans had rather artful system of symbols.

Destroyed car of division SS «Vallonia»
I, of course, was not kept and have asked the guide, why such emblem.
Is a division "Nordland".
— Э, is not present is an emblem of 28th voluntary tank grenadierial division SS «Vallonia». And she was at war for 200 km from Berlin. But, of course, any staff car could arrive to Berlin with reports why would be not present.

Destroyed car of division SS «Vallonia»
And the rests of division SS «Vallonia» have surrendered in Schwerin and Brandenburg, they did not protect Berlin, they there were not.

Red Army men of assault group of Sorokin run to Reichstag
Red Army men of assault group of Sorokin run to Reichstag. On the right — standard-bearer Grigory Petrovich Bulatov. On one of versions, these scouts the first have set up a red banner over Reichstag. But banners was a little at different height in different parts of a building. It was impossible to establish who the first and in it there is no sense.

German antiaircraft gun
German antiaircraft gun.

Box with «Faust patron»
Box with «Faust patron».

Box with «Faust patron»
One more.

Storm of Reichstag
Storm of Reichstag.

Storm of Reichstag

Fighters of assault group of Sorokin
Fighters of assault group of Sorokin. With a flag staff — Red Army man Grigory Petrovich Bulatov.

Column of Reichstag
Column Reichstag. We protected Odessa, Stlingrad. Have come to Berlin. The fighter writing this inscription, hurried up and worried. In a word of Stalingrad really error.

Column of Reichstag
And we from Moscow. The shortest way to Moscow — through Berlin! Kiev-Berlin. We from Volga!

Columns of Reichstag

Columns of Reichstag
«We have won»!

Column of Reichstag. An inscription Donbass, Rozhok
Donbass, Rozhok.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle »
All infantrymen — the real historic figures really storming Reichstag.

Column of Reichstag
Shadrianova, Frunze.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». A column of Reichstag

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». A column of Reichstag

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». An inscription on a column
Friend! Leave memory about you! We from Caucasus.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». An inscription on a column
For Tasju.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». An inscription on a column
We from Adygea. Father and son.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». An inscription on a column
Photographer Rjumkin.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». An inscription on a column
Here were from Leningrad. We have come here in order that Germany to us did not go!

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». An inscription on a column
Kerch, Stalingrad. Have come to an animal Den.

Exhibition «Berlin Battle»

Exhibition «Berlin Battle». A gap in a wall of Reichstag
Gap in a wall of Reichstag.
Statue of the Nibelung — the mythical hero of the German ethnoses
Statue of the Nibelung — the mythical hero of the German ethnoses. Such soldiers decorated a facade of Reichstag.

Portraits of winners
Portraits of winners. You can or bring with yourselves, or send by e-mail a portrait of the ancestor storming Berlin.

Portraits of winners

Lists of visitors of an exhibition« Berlin Battle »
In the end of an exhibition you can undersign on a wall. But places already are not present:)

Lists of visitors of an exhibition «Berlin Battle»

Lists of visitors of an exhibition «Berlin Battle»
Russian do not surrender!

Would be abruptly if this exhibition remained, let in other place. Very pleasantly all is made, unless-that figures of fighters is hefty the plastic. And here the weapon — as live! I believe that the present.

I was at week-day, at 17 o'clock and to the people was a little. And during week-end, according to investigation, turn at 3-4 o'clock. The ticket of only 150 roubles!


Themes: 9th May 5  Nevsky battle 3  photos 417  reportage 33  Second World War 8  St.-Petersburg 119  

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