Walk across St.-Petersburg
Walk across St.-Petersburg

Notes in blog, seria «Peter and Paul Fortress» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 1 pix

From it originates a city, and a name to Northern capital too is given originally to a fortress St.-Petersburg. Date of the basis of a fortress considers on May, 27th 1703 year, and this day the City Day is marked. It today even in official publications: Petropavlovka, and the initial name at a fortress same as well as at a city. In a basis of the newest for those times fortification constructions have laid down the drawings developed personally Peter I. At the time of conquest dominations on coast of Baltic, the fortress had key defensive appointment. Approaches to a city were protected by Kronstadt, and a mouth Neva Admiralty on the left coast, Petropavlovka and covering it with Petrograd side Kronverk tightly corked. Walls originally represented earthen shaft, but already in 1706 to year brick bastions for which construction Peter has appointed responsible of the associates are under construction. Menshikov, Zotov, Trubetsky, Naryshkin and Gosudarev bastions.

In Catherine II board, an input of the general works on reduction of quays in more presentation kind — the walls of a fortress turned to Neva put on in a granite. Grandiose Neva gate and landing stage from which the magnificent view on ensembles Palace quay, Spit of Vasilievsky Island and Troitsky bridge opens are under construction.

Peter and Paul cathedral is built on a place of the initial wooden. In a stone cathedral the wooden spike has suffered during a fire 1756 from a lightning stroke. It is restored in 1770 th with little changes in comparison with a — former kind. In 1858 the wooden spike is replaced under the project — engineer D.I.Zhuravsky metal in height in 48,5 m. the Height of the belltower increased by 10 m, has reached 122,5 m. of the Dome and a spike are covered by the copper gilt sheets. The figure of a flying angel on a cross is executed on R.K.Zalemana`s drawing already in the end of XIX century

Cathedral — the rare monument of architecture of Petrovsky baroque. On a composition — it is not traditional for Russian cult architecture­. It three-knitting a construction, characteristic for Lutheran — temples of the Baltic states. Here all tsars, since ­Peter I to Alexander III (behind an exception Peter II) are buried­. Identical white marble gravestones are established in 1865 to year. Two sarcophagi Alexander II (from a grey-green Altay jasper) and his wives ­- Marias Aleksandrovny (from Ural pink orlets) are allocated­. Both are executed at the Peterhof lapidary factory on F.Botta`s drawing; they weigh more than 6 т everyone.
part from 18 wall pictures integrally entering into a composition — of an interior, has remained since building building. Attracts attention realness of treatment of evangelical plots­.

temple hall is decorated by copies of the trophy banners grasped in soldiers — XVIII-XIX centuries Are interesting chair and быв. An imperial place. The — wooden carved gilt iconostasis established — in 1729 is especially magnificent ­­ Is executed under the project architect I. P.Zarudnogo the Moscow — masters-carvers. Splendour and solemnity of a composition­, boldly rushing into a light drum of a dome, have reflected pathos of a victory in Northern war.

Chiming clock of hours on a belltower beat out a melody of the Hymn of Soviet Union (before revolution played Tchaikovsky product) at the USSR.


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