Petersburg from air
17 photo with description27.12.2013 21:13
27.12.2013 21:13
Andrey Panevin

Troitsky cathedral of the Izmajlovsky regiment
Have departed further!
Martian Chronicles:

Moskovsky prospectus

Martian chronicles
It is not so much smog, how many visibility such. Well and against the sun without the filter. Accordingly the earth left black, and the sky is a little lighted.

Alexander Nevsky's Bridge

Aleksandro-Nevsky monastery

Moscovsky railroad station and the Revolt (Vosstaniya) square
In this part of a city to fly by the helicopter it is impossible, the FSB does not allow. A photo a little «broken».

Revolt Square
The Revolt Square (Vosstaniya / Znamenskaya). A building of the Moscovsky railroad station, hotel «October», Nevsky prospectus, the Victory obelisk.

Vantovyj (Cable-stayed) bridge

Cable-stayed bridge
Vantovyj bridge through Neva river and the left coast. Latest of large bridges through Neva, and newest by construction time (and the first on a watercourse).

Sleep tired toys, «Meteors» sleep.

Easter cake and Easter
the End of December, hasten to see!

Neva from the helicopter
Railway bridge and Alexander Nevsky bridge. At the left the Aleksandro-Nevsky monastery is seen .

Peter the Great Bridge
At the Soviet era — Bolsheohtinsky (thanks what not Equalities, for example, as Troitsky bridge). And at the left — domes Smolny cathedral.

Smolnyj cathedral from above
Feel a difference: same foreshortening of Smolnyj temple in July of last year.

Draw part of the Peter the Great bridge

Novodevichy (New maiden) monastery
on Moskovsky prospectus, a photo from the south on the north.

Everything, have arrived. The pilot moors blades.
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