Museum of Russian railroad

95 photo with description
Screen on an input in a museum of the railways of Russia
Screen on an input in a museum of the railways of Russia with a promo-film about a railway transportation.

Breadboard model of fan depot
Breadboard model of fan depot.

boy studies the description of the pre-revolutionary mail van

In the museum of the railways of Russia at each exhibit touch screens with total annotation of characteristics and stories of the concrete locomotive / steam locomotive / diesel locomotive / electric locomotive are established.

Visitor of a museum is photographed with a steam locomotive
Visitor of a museum photographed with a steam locomotive. Yeah, guys!

Children and a steam locomotive
Children too in delight from steam locomotives where still the such you will see?

Steam locomotive wheels
Steam locomotive wheels. From such technics pulls such power that the spirit grasps.

Pre-revolutionary steam locomotives and the office car-salon
Pre-revolutionary steam locomotives and office car-salon KVZHD.

 Office car-salon KVZHD
Office car-salon KVZHD (the Chinese East railway).

 Office car-salon KVZHD

Pre-revolutionary baggage car
North West Pre-revolutionary baggage car. 18941900 years. The St.-Petersburg depot Warsaw railroad

Carriage of II class of local services of Northern railways
Carriage of II class of local services of Northern railways.

The railway carriage on a photo — SZ.558 1902 year of construction.

car and the screen
Simple and very entertainment decision — on the screen in car height turned a small fragment of a film in which as and the young lady on platform someone sees off continuation of this car. Plus — a tape (computer 3D quite good quality) monochrome and as «made old». The car on a photo the pre-revolutionary.

Steam locomotive breadboard model
Steam locomotive and employee breadboard model in the museum of the railways of Russia.

Steam locomotive in a cut
Russian Railway were worn out and even one of steam locomotives cut to demonstrate the internal device (by the way, I thought it easier).

Steam locomotives
Soviet power was in great need in a railway transportation and steam locomotives built much.

Motor coach
Motor coach AV AMMOT 758 1939 years of release.

Arms of the USSR on motor coach 1939
Locomotive lantern
And still a variant of locomotive lanterns:

Locomotive lanterns

Steam locomotive wheels

Steam locomotive wheels.

Repair hole under a steam locomotive
And here it fantastic! Under one their steam locomotives the improvised repair hole is made, it is possible to look as looks running from below.

Young lady in repair hole photographs a steam locomotive running gear
Young lady in repair hole photographs a steam locomotive running gear.

«Heel» under a wheel
«Heel» under a wheel.

Except actually rolling stock in a museum is still figures of railwaymen. Here, for example, the mechanic turns something.

Diesel locomotive TE2-414
Diesel locomotive TE2-414. Historical justice is restored and on a muzzle the profile Stalin is returned.

Stalin's Profile on a diesel locomotive muzzle
All the same this diesel locomotive was issued with 1948 on 1955 (at the Kharkov factory of transport mechanical engineering).

Steam locomotives of different years
Steam locomotives of different years and capacities.

visitor make video
Visitor made video. On the right — diesel locomotive TE10, at the left — diesel locomotive TEP70-0007 (but pay attention to an emblem of Olympic-80, small such pleasant artefact).

Person on duty on station
In the museum of the railways of Russia except a rolling stock is still workers of the railway. Here, for example, the dispatcher on the workplace.

muzzles of diesel locomotives
Warm lamp big-eyed muzzles of diesel locomotives. The first — TEP70-0007, the second — ChS4-012

Diesel locomotive ChS4-012

Steam locomotive and semaphore-girl
Lovely, pleasant figure of semaphore-girl near a steam locomotive.

Woman with semaphore
Deliveries by land-lease
Breadboard models of boxes of deliveries by land-lease, and most cool — in boxes are built in screens on which the newsreel of those years is shown that has been connected with escorts and their unloading/transportation by rail from Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk.

Screen with a newsreel of deliveries by land-lease

Screen with a newsreel of deliveries by land-lease

Diesel locomotive TEZ-1001
Diesel locomotive TEZ-1001

Last steam locomotive
Last steam locomotive of construction of the Kolomna factory of V. V. Kujbyshev, 1956 year. Attention to Stalin and Lenin's profiles. Stalin have already started to delete from our history.

diesel locomotive TE7-013
Diesel locomotive TE7-013

Railway semaphores
Railway semaphores.

Railway semaphore

Railway pre-revolutionary tank
Railway pre-revolutionary tank for transportation of gasoline, Lv 1818964 constructions 1905 year.

Steam locomotive and children
Steam locomotive and children

Entrance in a cabin of the machinist of a steam locomotive of Odes
Entrance in a cabin of the machinist of a steam locomotive of Odes.

steam locomotive Running gear
a steam locomotive Running gear.

Screens in a museum of the railways of Russia
Screens in a museum of the railways of Russia, a zone of rest of visitors. On screens twist films about history of the railways and interesting enough animation rollers.

Visitor photographs the screen with the steam locomotive description
Visitor photographs the screen with the steam locomotive description. I as photographed not to forget.

Plaster figure of the lady in clothes of a joint of centuries
Plaster figure of the lady in clothes of a joint of centuries (XIX-XX-th century).

 Tank-steam locomotive
Tank-steam locomotive 9P 15387, 1953 year of release.

Pumps and a copper
Small exposition, from left to right: the steam pump, the manual pump and a steam copper.

Steam pump of Worthington system
Steam pump of Worthington system.

Manual pump and a steam copper
Manual pump and a steam copper.

Passenger steam locomotive of the SOU 253-15
Passenger steam locomotive of the SOU 253-15.

Inscription «water poisoned»
Inscription on a steam locomotive «water poisoned».

Cargo electric locomotive SSM-14
Cargo electric locomotive SSM-14, release 1933 year.

Carriage of II class of the R.U. 207
Carriage of II class of the R.U. 207 (Ryazan-Ural railroad), release 1899 year.

Industrial electric locomotive GET №4
Industrial electric locomotive GET №4, release 19311932 years.

Manual section car a rocking chair
Manual section car a rocking chair. On a background a commodity steam locomotive Ov 6640 («Lamb»).

Skilled diesel locomotive Sch-EL-1 of system of Ja. M. Gakkel
Skilled diesel locomotive Sch-EL-1 of system of Ja. M. Gakkel, release 1924 year.

Diesel locomotive SCH-EL-1 of system of Ja. M. Gakkel

Steam locomotive FD 20-1103
Steam locomotive FD 20-1103 (Felix Dzerzhinsky).

Steam locomotive El 534
Steam locomotive El 534 Transbaikalian railroad

Steam locomotive El 534
Steam locomotive El 534.

In a steam locomotive cabin
Three mans of years 50 without families have come to a museum and here, have seized upon a cabin of the machinist and have joyfully pulled

Steam locomotive with a cabin of the machinist accessible to visiting
Steam locomotive with a cabin of the machinist accessible to visiting.

Steam locomotive Er-791-81
Steam locomotive Er-791-81.

Steam locomotive of Ol 1236 and wheel pair
Parovoz Ol 1236 and wheel pair.

Steam locomotive of Ol 1236 with an inscription in honour of XII congress of Lenin Komsomol
Parovoz Ol 1236 with an inscription in honour of XII congress of Lenin Komsomol.

Wheel pair on the lathe
Wheel pair on the lathe. Except a rolling stock in a museum also exhibits from accompanying subjects.

Diesel engine M7876R
Diesel engine M7876R.

Details of a running gear of a steam locomotive
Details of a running gear of a steam locomotive.

Diesel locomotives
Diesel locomotives concerning recent time.

Sedentary places
Sedentary places.

 Training apparatus of the machinist of a diesel locomotive
Training apparatus of the machinist of diesel locomotive TEП 70БС and there solid turn, therefore sedentary places glad very opportunely.

Railwaymen of Road of the Victory
Railwaymen of Road of the Victory (connecting blockade Leningrad with continent.

Fighters and the nurse load the wounded man in a sanitary train
Fighters and the nurse load the wounded man in a sanitary train.

Railway carriage of the Victory railroad with an exposition on the Great Patriotic War
Railway carriage of the Victory railroad with an exposition on the Great Patriotic War.

Exposition in the railway carriage
Exposition in the railway carriage.

View from the second floor
Over an exposition foot corridors are made and it is possible to look at trains from above.

Diesel locomotive

Children have a good time with the interactive stand
Children have a good time with the interactive stand showing a principle of work of wheel pairs.

Exposition of the railways of Russia
Exposition of the railways of Russia from above.

Exposition of the railways of Russia

Steam locomotive El 534 from above
Steam locomotive El 534 from above.

Employee of the Russian Railways leads excursion
Employee of the Russian Railways leads excursion.

Excursion in a museum of the railways of Russia

Outdoor an additional huge exposition.

Railway artillery armour platform
Railway artillery armour platform. Cannon of 250 mm (it is possible, 305 mm, but are no more). The passing by young lady: «WOW what huge cannon!»

Ammunition of a railway artillery armour platform
Ammunition like my growth!

Fighting railway rocket complex (in abbreviated form BZHRK, a train-phantom with rocket «Scalpel»). The NATO Bad dream. It is a pity that this program have curtailed.

Selfie with a steam locomotive
Selfie with a steam locomotive :)

Coal-loading crane
Coal-loading crane №3.

Street exposition
Street exposition.

Shop of souvenirs
That has pleasantly surprised — in a museum some cafes and gift shops.

Models of steam locomotives/trains
In gift shop — certainly steam locomotives!

Parking before a museum
Before a museum a huge parking, and for the museum 2 buildings one of which specially under this business is constructed are allocated.

Address of a museum of the railways of Russia: St.-Petersburg, the Library lane, 4, the case 2. Metro station «Baltic»(«Baltiyskaya»), to the right of the Baltic station. The Operating time: Tu — Su, from 10:30 till 18:00 (the entrance of visitors ended at 17:00). I Urgently recommend! A fantastic museum have created by the Russian Railway, the exposition is created on the basis of a museum of the October railway on the Warsaw station, but separate buildings, specially for an exposition are strongly added and constructed.

The site address:


Themes: museum of Russian railroad 1  museums 22  photos 417  railway transportation 10  reportage 33  Russian Railways 6  St.-Petersburg 119  steam locomotive 5  transport 13  

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