Day of river fleet
31 photo with description03.07.2016 23:24
03.07.2016 23:24
Andrey Panevin

In St.-Petersburg has once again passed the entertainment dramatized celebration on the rivers — Day of river fleet. This time it was spent not in the basic water area Neva, and in a place of merge of Krjukov channel and Griboedov's channel, near Nikolo-Bogojavlensky Sea cathedral.
I Hope, photo will be good! — the leader has cried out to me in a microphone :)
Oh sure!

Spectators and river carnival.
Spectators made selfie.
Photograph and spectators.
River ships before carnival were stood at Krjukov channel quay, then will serially proceed on all Moyka River, then stopping at the organised scenes.
River ships on Krjukov channel before carnival. In the foreground a ship with children's ensemble.
On back — one of celebration leaders, entertaining spectators various competitions.
First carnival ship with Peter I and Ekaterina I, an orchestra of young ladies and cadets.
Participants of a celebration.

Attention to roof — a card with buses and walking ships.
Bend down, now there will be a bridge!
Start command.
Here this young lady with someone from the celebration organisation.
Third participant — the ship with children's ensemble.
Before the performance beginning.
Ship with children's ensemble at Nikoly Mosky.
Kulibiny rivet a castle from the inflatable boat. The dragon head on bowsprit does not suffice, definitely.
While the next ships prepare for start, пожужжать has arrived коптер.
Start of the next participant.
the Participant of a celebration on Krjukov channel after performance on the first scene, all them have organised 4 — at the Communication Palace, at the Singing bridge and at Threefold, + the first at Nikoly Sea.
By the way, the pipe as it has appeared let out "smoke", and the ship published shrill steamship hooter. Here I understand it people thoroughly have approached to a carnival!
Attention: the butterfly!:3
Finish of a river carnival
Well-with, the celebration becomes every year spectacular and more interesting.

I Hope, photo will be good! — the leader has cried out to me in a microphone :)
Oh sure!

Spectators and river carnival.

Spectators made selfie.

Photograph and spectators.

River ships before carnival were stood at Krjukov channel quay, then will serially proceed on all Moyka River, then stopping at the organised scenes.

River ships on Krjukov channel before carnival. In the foreground a ship with children's ensemble.

On back — one of celebration leaders, entertaining spectators various competitions.

First carnival ship with Peter I and Ekaterina I, an orchestra of young ladies and cadets.

Participants of a celebration.

Attention to roof — a card with buses and walking ships.

Bend down, now there will be a bridge!

Start command.

Here this young lady with someone from the celebration organisation.

Third participant — the ship with children's ensemble.

Before the performance beginning.

Ship with children's ensemble at Nikoly Mosky.

Kulibiny rivet a castle from the inflatable boat. The dragon head on bowsprit does not suffice, definitely.

While the next ships prepare for start, пожужжать has arrived коптер.

Start of the next participant.

the Participant of a celebration on Krjukov channel after performance on the first scene, all them have organised 4 — at the Communication Palace, at the Singing bridge and at Threefold, + the first at Nikoly Sea.

By the way, the pipe as it has appeared let out "smoke", and the ship published shrill steamship hooter. Here I understand it people thoroughly have approached to a carnival!

Attention: the butterfly!:3

Finish of a river carnival
Well-with, the celebration becomes every year spectacular and more interesting.
Themes: Day of river fleet 1 holidays 34 photos 417 reportage 33 river 10 ships 17 St.-Petersburg 119
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