Day of Dostoevsky

43 photo with description
Forge (Kuznechniy) lane
Forge (Kuznechniy) lane
Before the beginning Day of Dostoevsky, the Kuznechniy lane while was empty. Less than in an hour here there will be a crowd to the people. Over street citations from Feodor Mihajlovicha Dostoevsky's products are hanged out, and along road there are its literary heroes.

Green crocodile

Green crocodile
On the Vladimir's area before an enter on metro station Vladimirskaya have put a remarkable green crocodile in whom with pleasure froliced children.

Krylov and its living creatures
Krylov and its living creatures
On a scene serially acted anniversaries — writers, whom this year celebrating anniversary: Lermontov, Gogol, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Suzor, Schiller. And, including, fabulist Ivan Krylov.



Participants of troupe of theatre
Participants of troupe of theatre

Spectators and the dramatized representation
Spectators and the dramatized representation, before Dostoevsky's house where the writer has spent last years, the Kuznechniy lane 5/2.

Souvenir bench
Souvenir bench
T-shirts, bags, magnets, mugs. The repertoire has considerably extended and became more interesting, in comparison with last years. Truth the same magnets.

a T-shirt abrupt: St.-Petersburg's elixir with a spoon for a forehead.
Сomposition: F. Dostoevsky — 51 %, I. Krylov — 2 %, N. Gogol — 9 %, U. Shakespeare — 3 %, O. Balzac — 3 %, V. Goethe — 5 %, A. Pushkin — 10 %, Z. Sand — 2 %, M. Lermontov — 11 %, F. Schiller — 4 %.

Souvenir bench
Souvenir bench

Lady in white
Lady in white



People, a street organ
People, a street organ
On the right — grandmothers with a street organ, hasten to see!

procession to a monument to Dostoevsky
Procession to a monument to Dostoevsky
Upon termination of theatrical representation at Dostoevsky's museum, all fair brotherhood has gone to a monument to the writer at metro station Vladimirskaya. Each of writers held the tablet with the citation. Here, for example from Gogol: «Love us black, and white everyone loves us».

What'`s not not forbidden — that is allowed
That is not forbidden — that is authorised
Schiller's Citation.

Freedom to women!
Freedom to women!
Gogol with the tablet with the citation George Sand: «Freedom to women!» .

Horrible age, terrible hearts
Horrible age, terrible hearts
The own citation Pushkin by himself.

procession with tablets
Procession with tablets
«No, I'm not Byron. I'm another!» M. Lermontov.

Future of the nation in mothers's hands
Future of the nation in mothers's hands
Onore de Balzac.

Everyone was lied, that's what grief is
Everyone was lied, that's what grief is.

Peddler with souvenirs
Peddler with souvenirs

Pushkin and Gogol
Pushkin and Gogol

Grandmother and the photographer
Grandmother and the photographer
Grandmother Enjoyed wide popularity.

the correspondent and the operator
Correspondent and operator
On a background at a lattice of the Vladimirsky cathedral is completed free excursion «to Dostoevsky's places».

Sacred father
Sacred father
I'm not quite identified confession, but like the Italian.

Green crocodile
Green crocodile

Record stand at excursion to Dostoevsky's places
Record stand at excursion to Dostoevsky's places


I love Dostoevsky
Daddy with the child on a bicycle with the tablet «I love Dostoevsky».

TV men have thought, have conferred, and have dared to interview photogenic old woman.

Beauty will save the world
Beauty will save the world from the Internet. After Old woman, the star of action second for popularity.

girls with a basket
Girls sold pies with Dostoevsky's citations. Further some more times will get.

Girls and the organ-grinder
Organ-grinder with monkey on a shoulder are put forward on the initial.

live sculptures
Live sculptures
Dissenters and old woman. These characters and last years participated in the same view.

Old woman penniless
Old woman penniless

Grandmother and the organ-grinder
Grandmother and the organ-grinder
Old woman too was not at a stop, cutting circles on the Kuznechny lane from the underground to Dostoevsky's museum.


Feodor Mihajlovich
Feodor Mihajlovich somehow with grief looks at this all. Though, it seems to me, it would be pleasant to it.

I shivering or the right have a creature!
I shivering or the right have the Creature!

Organ-grinder with monkey
Organ-grinder with monkey

Pies with citations
Pies with citations

Girls with pies
Girls with pies. Pies — with citations. Citations — of Dostoevsky. Finaly.

the Stand with excursions
the Stand with excursions

One of four live sculptures — drunkard Marmeladov from the «Crime and punishment».

That's all!


Themes: Day of Dostoevsky 2  holidays 34  photos 417  reportage 33  St.-Petersburg 119  

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