9th of May in Saint-Petersburg: cars
24 photo with description11.05.2015 06:34
11.05.2015 06:34
Andrey Panevin

9th of May get out as the madwomen moulding towers of tanks on Mercedes, and reenactors on the historical restored technics. Both those and these go for a drive on a city with flags and songs of military years. We will begin with the last, with reenactors:
Willys MB.
Unlike Willys who has arrived under the own steam on Palace Square, Т-26 have brought on the wrecker.
Post-war GAZ-69.
One more Willys somewhere has vigorously dragged a field-kitchen. Like on the concourse of ancient technics was many.
Studebaker! To be stunned!
Studebaker and 3 motorcycles — reenactors from club «Shtrafbat».

Guards-major. By the way, at reenactors the above a rank, the above position in club hierarchy. At once to become the officer it is impossible. And if before you the whole colonel it is exact the head of club.
All they will participate later in procession of «Immortal regiment».
As it seemed to me, this year such second-hand articles more than last years.
At this motorcyclist was already the whole 3 flags. In general of cars and motorcycles with flags there was many.
And now — morons:
very doubtful self-public relations of the company with stupid name «Taxovichkov».
Already with three!
BMW with a tower.
One more idiot. T-34, aha.
And now, the relish and clinic:
The moron!!!
At me to all these morons only one question: who has won World War II? We with allies or Germans with Japanese?!

Willys MB.

Unlike Willys who has arrived under the own steam on Palace Square, Т-26 have brought on the wrecker.

Post-war GAZ-69.

One more Willys somewhere has vigorously dragged a field-kitchen. Like on the concourse of ancient technics was many.

Studebaker! To be stunned!

Studebaker and 3 motorcycles — reenactors from club «Shtrafbat».

Guards-major. By the way, at reenactors the above a rank, the above position in club hierarchy. At once to become the officer it is impossible. And if before you the whole colonel it is exact the head of club.

All they will participate later in procession of «Immortal regiment».

As it seemed to me, this year such second-hand articles more than last years.

At this motorcyclist was already the whole 3 flags. In general of cars and motorcycles with flags there was many.
And now — morons:

very doubtful self-public relations of the company with stupid name «Taxovichkov».

Already with three!

BMW with a tower.

One more idiot. T-34, aha.
And now, the relish and clinic:

The moron!!!


At me to all these morons only one question: who has won World War II? We with allies or Germans with Japanese?!
Themes: 9th May 5 cars 10 holidays 34 people 30 photos 417 reportage 33 St.-Petersburg 119 technics 17
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