Light festival
Light festival

Notes in blog, seria «Saint Isaac's Cathedral» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 1 pix

Second temple St.-Petersburg, on occurrence time (the Troitsk church on the area with the same name was the first). With the amendment that a current temple — already the fourth. The current temple — a monument characterises an epoch of disintegration of classicism. It is revetted by natural marble with monolithic columns of a red granite (only 112); in four porticoes of 48 columns in height about 18 m, diameter — 1,85 m, weight more than 110 т; round a drum of 24 columns in height of 13 m. the Gilt dome (internal diameter 22 is made their three covers. Widely in designs metal is applied. The general height of a building of 102 m, length of 111 m, width of 98 m. Under a building it is hammered more than 11 000 piles. The architecture — of a cathedral is enriched by a sculpture: statues under a dome, angels with fixtures on corners of the basic parallelepiped, allegorical statues on pediments and in niches, high reliefs in frontal (I. P.Vitali`s sculptors­, Н. S.Pimenov, A. V.Loganovsky, P.K.Klodt and others). Statues and their groups create plastic transition from the bottom rectangular — volume to a cylindrical drum and a dome. The part of sculptures for the first time in history technicians is executed by a method electroforming, invented — B. With, Jakobi. Subjects of sculptures and painting in a dome­, on the arches, sails and walls (painters K. P. Bryullov, F. A. Bruni, P. V. Basin, V. K. Shebuev and others.) Religious and allegorically the faithful maintenance. The painting part is replaced by a mosaic of high — art advantage. The iconostasis and furnish — of a cathedral by gilding, columns from malachite, ljapis-azures, porphyry, marble are magnificent­.

long time from the moment of a construction was the highest construction St.-Petersburg.

At the time of the Soviet period in a cathedral Foucault`s experiment with a pendulum, confirming rotation of the Earth was shown. Lifting on a roof of the basic volume and on a platform at dome bottom is possible. Effective view, as if from the bird`s flight, on central squares­, Neva and a majestic city opens­.


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