39 photo with description18.08.2019 13:17
18.08.2019 13:17
Andrey Panevin

Neryungri is a small industrial city in the south of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the population is only 50 thousand. The city is young, founded in 1975, although the wealth of these lands has been known since the expeditions of Vasily Poyarkov (1643) and Erofei Khabarov (1667). The name of the city from Evenki translates as Grayling River (a genus of fish).

Railway station Neryungrit is covered with some kind of panels and looks plastic. Inside the waiting room is tiny. The station is located in a lowland 2-3 kilometers from the city, respectively, either by bus (there are no interurban trains, there are commuter trains with an interval of 30-60 minutes), or call a taxi.

Church of the Gospel Christians, South Yakutskaya St., 26.

Nearby - Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, ul. Karl Marx, 31.

Neryungri Administration(21 Druzhby Narodov Ave. ) and the Lenin Monument.

Serge- hitchholes, ritual pillars of the Yakuts on Lenin Square at the city administration building. They meant that the land has a master, and now - the hospitality of the people inhabiting this land. Such pillars are also depicted on the emblem of the city.

Monument to the miners, Neryungri, park opposite the administration.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara, the patroness of the miners.

Ore-Sculpturepark opposite the administration. A copy of the sculpture created in 1893in Germany by the sculptor Johann Friedrich Roisch. A man with a beard - a skipper, in the form of a German mountain servant, examines a stone that he holds in his left hand; with his right hand he squeezes the handle of a geological hammer. The monument was erected on Miner`s Day August 272016of the year.

Aal Luuk Mas- The Great Tree is one of the cultural components of the traditional Yakut religion and a symbol of the trinity of the world. According to ancient ideas, the world consists of three parts: the underworld, in which evil spirits live, the middle world, where people live, and the Upper world, the abode of the gods. Krona Aal Luuk Mas symbolizes the Upper world, the trunk - the Middle world, the roots - the Underground world. The sculpture was opened on the city day in 2017.

Neryungrians. I walk past, man on the left: Oh! Photojournalist! Take a picture!
Smiled, dispersed :)

Locomobilein front of the office Yakutugol Holding.

Excavator bucketthere. Seeing that I was photographing, a guard ran out, followed by a whole head of security: “You can’t remove it! Khazyain is against it! ”Ko-ko-of course.
Office of the Yakutugol Holding. In theory, this secret building cannot be photographed either.
Collective farm kitsch :) And it happens, it turns out.

Small Berkakit River

Chulman River

Ritual complex for the celebration of Ysyakhon the banks of the Chulman River.
Gate to the park.
Bypass road, the city is slightly visible.
Probably the most surprising thing is that coal and iron ingots are lying on the sidelines oh ore. This land is rich in fossils.

Monument to the dead miners.
The observation deck next to the monument is so overgrown. Those. there is no view of the city, except that it can be seen a little in winter.

Nick, the Glory Memorial in the city park named after Chiryaev.
The administrative building in the park is quite attractive.
The park is excellent, with attractive unusual lanterns, alleys, benches

Fountain« Nerpa »name Chiryaeva near the city park. Disconnected and the animals are a bit shabby.

Order of the Patriotic Warnear the House of Culture named after the 40th anniversary of the Victory.

Monument to the first builders of the Neryungri, installed May 91986of the year. It was on this spot July 151975that the first pine tree was solemnly cut down - the beginning of construction new city and its first street, which was called "Komsomolskaya". The monument is not far from the intersection of Geologists Avenue and Komsomolskaya Street.

Wooden huts, probably from the moment the city was founded, it is still residential.
South Yakutskaya Street. The city was immediately planned with alleys and greenery.
Playground in the form of a castle
The kindergarten is very attractive by color.
Under the curtain - seals. Because, why not?
Someone was busy scratching a Neryungri cat, who refused to communicate.
Ginger cat wondered what kind of crazy picture he took.
In Neryungri there is an interesting toponomic artifact visible only from the air and on maps - houses in the form of the USSR inscription.
Judging by the small number of cafes and restaurants, the city is not very rich.

Railway station Neryungrit is covered with some kind of panels and looks plastic. Inside the waiting room is tiny. The station is located in a lowland 2-3 kilometers from the city, respectively, either by bus (there are no interurban trains, there are commuter trains with an interval of 30-60 minutes), or call a taxi.

Church of the Gospel Christians, South Yakutskaya St., 26.

Nearby - Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, ul. Karl Marx, 31.

Neryungri Administration(21 Druzhby Narodov Ave. ) and the Lenin Monument.

Serge- hitchholes, ritual pillars of the Yakuts on Lenin Square at the city administration building. They meant that the land has a master, and now - the hospitality of the people inhabiting this land. Such pillars are also depicted on the emblem of the city.

Monument to the miners, Neryungri, park opposite the administration.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara, the patroness of the miners.

Ore-Sculpturepark opposite the administration. A copy of the sculpture created in 1893in Germany by the sculptor Johann Friedrich Roisch. A man with a beard - a skipper, in the form of a German mountain servant, examines a stone that he holds in his left hand; with his right hand he squeezes the handle of a geological hammer. The monument was erected on Miner`s Day August 272016of the year.

Aal Luuk Mas- The Great Tree is one of the cultural components of the traditional Yakut religion and a symbol of the trinity of the world. According to ancient ideas, the world consists of three parts: the underworld, in which evil spirits live, the middle world, where people live, and the Upper world, the abode of the gods. Krona Aal Luuk Mas symbolizes the Upper world, the trunk - the Middle world, the roots - the Underground world. The sculpture was opened on the city day in 2017.

Neryungrians. I walk past, man on the left: Oh! Photojournalist! Take a picture!
Smiled, dispersed :)

Locomobilein front of the office Yakutugol Holding.

Excavator bucketthere. Seeing that I was photographing, a guard ran out, followed by a whole head of security: “You can’t remove it! Khazyain is against it! ”Ko-ko-of course.

Office of the Yakutugol Holding. In theory, this secret building cannot be photographed either.

Collective farm kitsch :) And it happens, it turns out.

Small Berkakit River

Chulman River

Ritual complex for the celebration of Ysyakhon the banks of the Chulman River.

Gate to the park.

Bypass road, the city is slightly visible.

Probably the most surprising thing is that coal and iron ingots are lying on the sidelines oh ore. This land is rich in fossils.

Monument to the dead miners.

The observation deck next to the monument is so overgrown. Those. there is no view of the city, except that it can be seen a little in winter.

Nick, the Glory Memorial in the city park named after Chiryaev.

The administrative building in the park is quite attractive.

The park is excellent, with attractive unusual lanterns, alleys, benches

Fountain« Nerpa »name Chiryaeva near the city park. Disconnected and the animals are a bit shabby.

Order of the Patriotic Warnear the House of Culture named after the 40th anniversary of the Victory.

Monument to the first builders of the Neryungri, installed May 91986of the year. It was on this spot July 151975that the first pine tree was solemnly cut down - the beginning of construction new city and its first street, which was called "Komsomolskaya". The monument is not far from the intersection of Geologists Avenue and Komsomolskaya Street.

Wooden huts, probably from the moment the city was founded, it is still residential.

South Yakutskaya Street. The city was immediately planned with alleys and greenery.

Playground in the form of a castle

The kindergarten is very attractive by color.
Under the curtain - seals. Because, why not?

Someone was busy scratching a Neryungri cat, who refused to communicate.

Ginger cat wondered what kind of crazy picture he took.

In Neryungri there is an interesting toponomic artifact visible only from the air and on maps - houses in the form of the USSR inscription.
Judging by the small number of cafes and restaurants, the city is not very rich.
Themes: Neryungri 1 photos 417 travel 286
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