Ekaterinburg — sights, monuments, sculptures
61 photo with description02.12.2018 11:16
02.12.2018 11:16
Andrey Panevin

There is a small open-air exposition near the Museum of History, Science and Technology of the Sverdlovsk Railways (the Old Station of Yekaterinburg), a steam locomotive boiler is on the right.

Museum of History, Science and Technology of the Sverdlovsk Railways, Yekaterinburg, Vokzalnaya st., 14.
Old Railway Station, "military", 1878, architect P. Schreiberg. Object of cultural heritage. Soldiers goes to the Great Patriotic War from this station to the front to the music of “Slavyanka Farewell”. The tradition to accompany the train to Moscow to this music has been preserved to this day (but the train leaves already from the new station).

Sculpture "Pathways".

The area in front of the Old Station. In the foreground - the sculpture "Putejtsy".

The sculpture "Conductor", of course - with a glass of tea.

Sculpture "Passengers" ("Thick and Thin"). Sculptures in front of the station check out not only me :)

Sculpture "Woman with a sledgehammer".

Sculpture "Stationmaster".

Open air exposition near the Old Railway Station, Yekaterinburg, Vokzalnaya Street, 14. Wheelsets, semaphores, locomotive boiler. In the background is a beautiful old building, in which Yekaterinburg Passenger railway station is now located.

The temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God (Orthodox), address: Yekaterinburg, Nevyansky per., 1A.
Modern temple, founded March 15, 2008 in memory of the arrival of the Royal Family in Yekaterinburg.

Yakov Sverdlov Street is the main transport artery of Yekaterinburg (with the Union - Sverdlovsk).

Station Square, Yekaterinburg-Passenger Station, a monumental monument to the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps.

Monument "Where the Motherland Begins" near the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen (Yekaterinburg, Chelyuskintsev Street, 102). Opened on May 8, 2015.
The monument was created by the Yekaterinburg Art Foundation on the order of the Sverdlovsk Railway.
The authors are sculptor S. Titlinov, I. Yakushev, A. Medvedev.

Tank T-72 and BMP-1 near the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen (Yekaterinburg, Chelyuskintsev Street, 102). The kids are “licking” the armor :) Well, I’d fine too, I would have polazil too.

Chelyuskintsev street.

Memorial to soldiers-railroad workers and howitzer M-30

Locomotive-monument Kch4-328 (serial number - 2343) and a monument to the first Russian locomotive of the Cherepanov brothers.
The first one was built by the Škoda factory, Czechoslovakia, in 1950, erected as a monument erected in 2004.
When restoring, inadvertently, the serial number was written instead of the serial number. The locomotive is now signed as Kc4-2343.
The model of the first Russian locomotive of Russian mechanics E. A. and M. Ye. Cherepanovs was made in honor of the centenary of the Sverdlovsk railway, installed on October 13, 1978. The monument contains a time capsule. Open in 2028 on the day of the 150th anniversary of the road.
Both locomotives stand near the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen (address: Yekaterinburg, Chelyuskintsev St., 102 / Yakov Sverdlov Street, 35).

Since Ekaterinburg hosted individual matches of the World Cup in 2018, then in it, as in Samara, Kazan and St. Petersburg, art objects were set up on a football theme.

Houses of Empire style on the Yakov Sverdlov street. This is how all the main streets of all Russian cities should look like! No fuzzy wires, just the trolleybus line. And the lights are gorgeous!

Arch with vases. Beauty. Rarely do I meet in cities of Russia. In addition to St. Petersburg, this is literally seen only in Sevastopol.

Garage management of the Sverdlovsk Railway, address: Ekaterinburg, ul. Bykov Brothers, 11. Pleasant old house in the style of classicism. To google would still have his story (on the move did not find).

Mobius strip. The sculpture was opened in honor of the 285th anniversary of Yekaterinburg, in August 2008 at the turn of Yakov Sverdlov Street in front of the Gazprom-Transgaz business center.
The author of the composition, the famous Ural sculptor Stepan Aduashvili said that the “Möbius Strip” symbolizes the connection between the past and the future. In the composition, scores and antique lanterns are located next to the modern terminal - a scanner and illuminators in the form of a bar code.

The sculpture "The territory of the Ascension Hill for 1936" (this is the place), Yekaterinburg, near the Theater of the young spectator.

Temple-Monument on the Blood in the name of All Saints, in the land of Russia shone.
The temple on the site of the execution of the royal Romanov family, address: Yekaterinburg, Tsarskaya Street, 10 (in fact, the temple stands on Karl Liebknecht Street.

Former manor Kharitonovs-Rastorguevs, buildings of the beginning of the XIX century in the style of classicism, Yekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht street. In the manor itself in the USSR was the House of Pioneers, now the City Palace of Children and Youth "Giftedness and Technology".

Monument to Komsomol Ural on Voznesenskaya Hill (Yekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht Street, near the former estate of Kharitonovs-Rastorguevs). Komsomolskaya Square, where the monument stands, returned the historic name Voznesenskaya, on the temple standing on it. The monument was erected in 1959, sculptors P. Sazhin and G. Belyankin were the authors of the project.

The house of A. A. Zotov and the mansion of manufacturer I. F. Krukovsky (left). 2-storey administrative building. House A. A. Zotov, I half of the XIX century.
Mansion manufacturer I.F. Krukovsky. 1911 A sample of the city mansion in Yekaterinburg at the beginning of the 20th century. in the "baroque" style. Ekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht Street, 45.
Spiritual and educational center "Patriarchal Compound" (complex of buildings on the right). Yekaterinburg, Holy Quarter, 1a (the old address is 34a Tolmachyova St.).

Photographic Museum "House Metenkov. " The building was built at the end of the XIX century, architect Yu. O. Dyutel, Yekaterinburg, st. Karl Liebknecht, 36.
The owner of the house had known in the Urals photographer and artist Benjamin L. Metenkov (1859 - 1933) - a member of the Russian Geographical Society and the Ural Society of Naturalists, a participant of international, all-Russia and the Ural exhibitions Albums kinds of Urals, Yekaterinburg, etc. VL Metenkov. One of the first to begin filming in the Urals, he was awarded medals and diplomas of many Russian and international exhibitions. In the house there was a photo studio.
Currently, there is a photographic museum " House Metenkov " (a branch of the Museum of History of Yekaterinburg).

Funny animal musicians in the park at the intersection of Karl Liebknecht and Pervomayskaya streets.

Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic, Yekaterinburg, ul. Karl Liebknecht, 38a.
Former business club (start of construction: 1910), the first project of which belonged to architect K. A. Polkov. The construction of a business club was completed only in 1927 by the project of architects K. T. Babykin, G. P. Valenkov and E. N. Korotkov.
The third philharmonic appeared in the country after Moscow and Leningrad (established in 1936).

Square in front of the Temple-on-the-Blood, Holy Quarter.

Panorama of Yekaterinburg from the observation deck from the Temple-on-the-Blood.

Monument to the royal family near the Temple-on-the-Blood, Yekaterinburg.

Chapel in the name of St. Elizabeth, built in 1992, architect A. V. Dolgov. Ekaterinburg, Holy Quarter.
Elizabeth Fyodorovna - Regal person, sister of Tsar Nicholas II's wife Alexandra Fyodorovna.
In the background - the Spiritual Education Center "Patriarchal Compound"

The old house of the late XIX beginning of XX centuries, st. Karl Liebknecht, 31 and a wooden house st. Karl Liebknecht, 29.

About turret

House E. G. Shanginoy, mansion of the early XX century in the Art Nouveau style. Reconstruction 1984.
Address: Ekaterinburg, st. Karl Liebknecht, 32.
Modernity in the cities of Russia comes across to me infrequently - here I was lucky.

To Yekaterinburg, to my surprise, such rare Tatra T3 trams turned out to be, however, in excellent condition. I meet such antiques in almost all cities of Russia.

Monument to the inventor of the radio A.S. Popov in the square of the same name.

Contrasts building. The first is the “ House of the City Council ”, the first five-story building built in Soviet times in the style of constructivism, commissioned in 1928 by architect S. V. Dombrovsky.
Behind it is the pharmacy of the pharmacist Weisberg, the mansion of the first half of the XIX century (architect V. Dubrovin), rebuilt in the beginning of the XX century. Object of cultural heritage.
Next - the five-story building built in 1933 (constructivism).
Behind him in greenery is the House of the Writer (A. A. Drozzhilov’s Mansion), 1870s. Object of cultural heritage.

Ekaterinburg post office, constructivism, 1933, architects V. D. Sokolov and K. I. Solomonov.
Yekaterinburg, prosp. Lenin, 39.

Monument to the 37th Infantry (Musketeers) Yekaterinburg regiment from the citizens of the city. The regiment participated in the war of 1812 and the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean war.
Ekaterinburg, near the house at Prospect. Lenin, 37 (Museum of the History of stone-cutting and jewelry art).

The house of Sevastyanov, also the house of the mountain official I. Polkov, the district court, the house of trade unions, the house of presidential receptions. The building was built in 1860s, the author of the project A. I. Paduchev. Eclectic with elements of Neo-Baroque, Pseudo-Gothic and Neo-Mauritanian style. Here is such a stuffing, but the mansion is very attractive and unusual.
Yekaterinburg, prospectus. Lenin, 35.

Street musicians. I already have a small collection recruited.

Sunset over Yekaterinburg and the Iset River.

Sunset over Yekaterinburg check out not only me :)

A young man, standing on the embankment fence, enthusiastically read poems of Russian poets.

The sculpture "Steelmaker reads a newspaper" near the estate of P. M. Utyakov (wooden house of the 1900s, located at Yekaterinburg, Klara Zetkin St., 1). Now the Sverdlovsk Union of Journalists (House of Journalists) is located in the house. Well, from the very sculpture, I something very angry. Wooden Art Nouveau I saw only once - in Kazan.

Monument to the Lumiere brothers in the square in front of the Cosmos cinema, Yekaterinburg.
Monument to Louis Jean Lumiere and Auguste Louis Marie Mikola Lumiere, the inventors of cinema, the authors of the first films in the world (1895).
The monument was opened on August 27, 2012 on the day of the Soviet cinema.

The nighttime version of Ribbon Möbius, Yekaterinburg, at the turn of Yakov Sverdlov Street in front of the Gazprom-Transgaz business center.

Yakov Sverdlov night street

Beautiful simple logo of some kind of mo-mo.

A Chinese man (it seems) is preparing concoction on a camping table literally in the very center of Yekaterinburg. Hurt - I want it too!

Bus stop designed by Studio of Artemy Lebedev is really competent and pleasant looking.

Since August 12 - Air Force Day, cars with flags rolled around the city.

A noticeable house with a turret with a clock is the house of merchant F. A. Mikhailov, the first half of the 19th century. Street Tolmachyova, 21.

On the left is the monument to V.N. Tatishchev and G.V. de Gennin, to the right is the old water tower (“the tower on Plotinka ”).

Flowerbed-steam locomotive :)

Glowing street signs - a very good decision! True, I do not know if the workers. Well, it is clear that an advertisement hung in the height of the facade, which was rightly done and removed. Another would kondei clean the yard.
In general, Ekaterinburg, like Novosibirsk, fully met my expectations. Large 3 million megacities with excellent infrastructure, high-rise buildings and many small nishtyakov in the form of old merchant houses and a small park sculpture. Sorry for Ekb, I had very little time... But the most important interest of the city I checked out.
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