Solovetsky islands
59 photo with description07.08.2015 15:35
07.08.2015 15:35
Andrey Panevin

On Solovetsky Islands it has been decided to go through Kem. So is cheaper. There is still a variant through Arkhangelsk, but longer to float by the sea and it is more expensive. To Kem it is possible to reach or directly from St.-Petersburg or from Petrozavodsk. From Petrozavodsk even it is more interesting — you can see beautiful city.
Some photos and text about trip to Solovetsky Islands.
Ship bell in sun beams.
From Kem to Solovki 2,5 hours go pair on small ships. Directly at a mooring the big parking place and some hotels.
Trip was for a long time, already in 2010. That summer was very hot, in St.-Petersburg was 35°C. On Solovki — 20–24°C and in tent it was quite comfortable. In few kilometer from Kremlin there is a tent parking with any ridiculous daily payment (roubles 60). The island is a little occupied, it is theoretically possible to find a lonely place on the bank of any lake, which there are a lot.
Solovetsky Kremlin.
On Solovki excursions are perfectly organised. Leaders — students of the Arkhangelsk Pomorsky university, humanitarian specialities. Guides magnificent! It is possible and without excursions, but to the some islands will be or is problematic to reach or in general not possible (for example to Anzer without excursion can't trip).
Archipelago of the Solovetsky Islands — is some big islands (Big, Anzer, Muksalma, Zajatsky) and set small.

Zajatsky island very picturesque! Here such here a glade from a moss. One problem: island bald and blown by all winds.
On Zajatsky island remarkable pre-Christian labyrinths from stones. The origin is not known, there is a hypothesis that labyrinths of ritual appointment: over tombs deceased that the soul could not get out and leave this place (and to disturb live).
Seagulls are EVERYWHERE.
Coast of Zajatsky island.
Ancient dry dock — the artful engineering construction constructed still by monks. The dock was drained itself — outflow, then gate were closed and the dock remained dry.
Ancient wooden Andreevsky church in which under the legend there was Peter I when visited Solovki (actually most likely that the church of really Petrovsky times, but is put after visit of a sovereign).
Coast of White sea, Solovetsky Islands, Anzersky island. This island is closed for free visiting and the Russian Orthodox Church not bears the first year plans in general to close access to tourists. When I was, on island it was possible to get only with excursion and only 2 days in a week.
Coast of White sea, island Anzer.
Anzer. A pacification. The island Anzer — second-large, and lives on it only pair of monks, yes a small brigade of restorers. All! It is possible to go some hours on road and to meet nobody.
Restored church.
Church put in order a brigade of Armenians. They and builders good, and — orthodox. About the last at Russian Orthodox Church a point. In a case on Solovki non-Christian and to representatives not orthodox religion do not allow to work on restoration works in churches.
Bay coast (it is very similar to lake, but it is one of bays of the White sea on island Anzer), we have a rest after difficult day. Excursion to Anzer was all day + a ten-kilometre march-throw through all island. Landscape far not flat, especially first half of way the difficult.
Lead severe White sea.
Island Muksalma mooring
Island Muksalma
On island Muksalma the dam constructed by monks has remained. Was in sad weather and impressions there were same gloomy, as well as photos, and district remarkable!
Dam of Muksalma
Suddenly: an ancient rusty nail in a stone. On a dam there were any constructions, nails come across not simply so.
That that a nail shod — is visible on square section.
In general, a nail hammered into a natural crude stone — a fantasy.
One more most fascinating excursion — on numerous the lakes, connected by channels.
Monks have, of course, tried wonderfully well. Roads on island to lay hard and these channels were the main artery of the Big Solovetsky island.
Steps to a monastery in Savvatevo.
Зilgrims иelieve that having risen on this ladder so much sins, what quantity of steps will be released. It is restored on money of the government of Norway about what at top it will be testified in a tree.
Ladder long!
Wooden tablet on which it is written that this ladder is restored by the government of Norway.
Viewing point. Opening kinds bewitch, despite gloomy weather.
Well standard — northern.
Bouquet of carnations over a church door. All churches on Solovetsky Islands were used or as barracks for prisoners, or as warehouses.
Most unique church-lighthouse. Unique, at least in Russia.
Lighthouse is visually visible over a dome. The advanced monks use solar batteries (by the way, the doubtful decision — with sunny days on Solovki so sad).
Similar wooden crosses is a lot of on all islands Solovetsky archipelago. It appears, on such crosses it is in brief told half of Old Testament!
Finest toilet!
Botanical garden. Monks even pineapple have managed to grow up! Actually it has been presented as a miracle of God, with a view of monastery self-advertisement. Pilgrims are a ready cash. It is more than pilgrims — more profit, all is simple.

Trunk-call stone and coast White sea
On a stone is fixed the historical moment: English squadron has approached to archipelago islands. After several marauding attacks of Englishmen on monasteries of monks, the commander of a squadron has demanded to give all cattle of islands. On June, 22nd 1855 year negotiations between the prior of the Solovetsky monastery archimandrite Alexander and the English officer have taken place.
The text on the Trunk-call stone of the big Solovetsky island:
By result of negotiations unshakable refusal of the prior of a monastery cattle began to be given. Englishmen have arranged furious bombardment Kremlin walls. Bombardment has not brought an actual loss, though has been let out more than 1800 english cannonballs. Monastery has no demage and monkeys believe, that was the God help.
After that events a lot of pilgrims have come to Solovki.
The coast of White sea at the Trunk-call stone is rather picturesque. Here it is better to reach by a bicycle. ~4 km to ride.
Monument to prisoners of jail SLON (Solovetsky jail of special function). Here sent the enemies of the people most dangerous to the Soviet power and, basically, political.
Memorable stela to pupils of school cabin boys which was here in the Second World War.
Solovetsky Kremlin.
The main mooring of the Big Solovetsky island.
Trikolor on a forage of the ship and a view to Solovetsky Kremlin. The Way back, in Kem. Yes, this view on 500 roubles banknote. In the first variant of church were without crosses, on modern — Kremlin already with domes and crosses. There is a legend that when in 30th years XX removed crosses, political prisoners have flatly refused, and some criminals have agreed to dismantle crosses from churches.
Seagulls invariably accompany the ships.
This was caused to see off our linear oceanic launch.
Everything, ahead Continent. Solovki are urgently recommended to visiting! Solovetsky Islands — one big sight! Both the nature, and the Kremlin, churches, atmosphere.
Except as by sea, on Solovetsky Islands it is possible to reach by plane, there is a small airdrome and An-24 fly. Keep in mind that during a storm, from the end of September to the beginning of December and from March till April of island of archipelago are cut off from the world, there is a chance to stay for a while longer planned. Flies nothing and does not float. Thanks to it, by the way, on Solovki the highest birth rate, from all settlements of Russia (conceding, unless, to the Caucasian republics).
At last, one of towers Solovetsky Kremlin on a decline.
On 1000 inhabitants there are 2 000-3 000 registered units of technics (!) means, of course, not only cars, but also ships, boats. So it only officially registered. Without problems it is possible to lease an off-road car or to agree with the owner of any boat that has taken for a drive (to Muksalmy, for example). Where to lodge: or a para-three of hotels, or in the private house. Or with tent if weather allows. Larceny on islands is not present, something filches at you visitors can only.
Some photos and text about trip to Solovetsky Islands.

Ship bell in sun beams.
From Kem to Solovki 2,5 hours go pair on small ships. Directly at a mooring the big parking place and some hotels.

Trip was for a long time, already in 2010. That summer was very hot, in St.-Petersburg was 35°C. On Solovki — 20–24°C and in tent it was quite comfortable. In few kilometer from Kremlin there is a tent parking with any ridiculous daily payment (roubles 60). The island is a little occupied, it is theoretically possible to find a lonely place on the bank of any lake, which there are a lot.

Solovetsky Kremlin.
On Solovki excursions are perfectly organised. Leaders — students of the Arkhangelsk Pomorsky university, humanitarian specialities. Guides magnificent! It is possible and without excursions, but to the some islands will be or is problematic to reach or in general not possible (for example to Anzer without excursion can't trip).

Archipelago of the Solovetsky Islands — is some big islands (Big, Anzer, Muksalma, Zajatsky) and set small.

Zajatsky island very picturesque! Here such here a glade from a moss. One problem: island bald and blown by all winds.

On Zajatsky island remarkable pre-Christian labyrinths from stones. The origin is not known, there is a hypothesis that labyrinths of ritual appointment: over tombs deceased that the soul could not get out and leave this place (and to disturb live).

Seagulls are EVERYWHERE.

Coast of Zajatsky island.

Ancient dry dock — the artful engineering construction constructed still by monks. The dock was drained itself — outflow, then gate were closed and the dock remained dry.

Ancient wooden Andreevsky church in which under the legend there was Peter I when visited Solovki (actually most likely that the church of really Petrovsky times, but is put after visit of a sovereign).
Island Anzer

Coast of White sea, Solovetsky Islands, Anzersky island. This island is closed for free visiting and the Russian Orthodox Church not bears the first year plans in general to close access to tourists. When I was, on island it was possible to get only with excursion and only 2 days in a week.

Coast of White sea, island Anzer.

Anzer. A pacification. The island Anzer — second-large, and lives on it only pair of monks, yes a small brigade of restorers. All! It is possible to go some hours on road and to meet nobody.

Restored church.

Church put in order a brigade of Armenians. They and builders good, and — orthodox. About the last at Russian Orthodox Church a point. In a case on Solovki non-Christian and to representatives not orthodox religion do not allow to work on restoration works in churches.

Bay coast (it is very similar to lake, but it is one of bays of the White sea on island Anzer), we have a rest after difficult day. Excursion to Anzer was all day + a ten-kilometre march-throw through all island. Landscape far not flat, especially first half of way the difficult.

Lead severe White sea.

Island Muksalma mooring

Island Muksalma
On island Muksalma the dam constructed by monks has remained. Was in sad weather and impressions there were same gloomy, as well as photos, and district remarkable!

Dam of Muksalma

Suddenly: an ancient rusty nail in a stone. On a dam there were any constructions, nails come across not simply so.

That that a nail shod — is visible on square section.

In general, a nail hammered into a natural crude stone — a fantasy.
Excursions on the Big Solovetsky island

One more most fascinating excursion — on numerous the lakes, connected by channels.

Monks have, of course, tried wonderfully well. Roads on island to lay hard and these channels were the main artery of the Big Solovetsky island.

Steps to a monastery in Savvatevo.
Зilgrims иelieve that having risen on this ladder so much sins, what quantity of steps will be released. It is restored on money of the government of Norway about what at top it will be testified in a tree.

Ladder long!

Wooden tablet on which it is written that this ladder is restored by the government of Norway.

Viewing point. Opening kinds bewitch, despite gloomy weather.

Well standard — northern.

Bouquet of carnations over a church door. All churches on Solovetsky Islands were used or as barracks for prisoners, or as warehouses.

Most unique church-lighthouse. Unique, at least in Russia.

Lighthouse is visually visible over a dome. The advanced monks use solar batteries (by the way, the doubtful decision — with sunny days on Solovki so sad).

Similar wooden crosses is a lot of on all islands Solovetsky archipelago. It appears, on such crosses it is in brief told half of Old Testament!

Finest toilet!
Botanical garden

Botanical garden. Monks even pineapple have managed to grow up! Actually it has been presented as a miracle of God, with a view of monastery self-advertisement. Pilgrims are a ready cash. It is more than pilgrims — more profit, all is simple.

Trunk-call stone and coast White sea
On a stone is fixed the historical moment: English squadron has approached to archipelago islands. After several marauding attacks of Englishmen on monasteries of monks, the commander of a squadron has demanded to give all cattle of islands. On June, 22nd 1855 year negotiations between the prior of the Solovetsky monastery archimandrite Alexander and the English officer have taken place.
The text on the Trunk-call stone of the big Solovetsky island:
During war of Turkey, France, England, Sardinia with Russia here there were negotiations of the prior archimandrite А. with English officer Anton Н. on June, 22nd, on Wednesday at 11 o'clock. In the forenoon on a note of the chief of an enemy military squadron in the White sea, demanding from a monastery of bulls (the note is presented to st. synod). After negotiations, safe for a monastery, the prior back in a monastery at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, served that day in the Uspensky cathedral a liturgy and moleben; the service has come to an end at 4 o'clock. That week N day the post strict was in a monastery and monasteries and the Lord this summer has not admitted at war to break monks rest as without mercy they have arrived in 1854 year. А.А.
By result of negotiations unshakable refusal of the prior of a monastery cattle began to be given. Englishmen have arranged furious bombardment Kremlin walls. Bombardment has not brought an actual loss, though has been let out more than 1800 english cannonballs. Monastery has no demage and monkeys believe, that was the God help.

After that events a lot of pilgrims have come to Solovki.

The coast of White sea at the Trunk-call stone is rather picturesque. Here it is better to reach by a bicycle. ~4 km to ride.

Monument to prisoners of jail SLON (Solovetsky jail of special function). Here sent the enemies of the people most dangerous to the Soviet power and, basically, political.

Memorable stela to pupils of school cabin boys which was here in the Second World War.

Solovetsky Kremlin.

The main mooring of the Big Solovetsky island.

Trikolor on a forage of the ship and a view to Solovetsky Kremlin. The Way back, in Kem. Yes, this view on 500 roubles banknote. In the first variant of church were without crosses, on modern — Kremlin already with domes and crosses. There is a legend that when in 30th years XX removed crosses, political prisoners have flatly refused, and some criminals have agreed to dismantle crosses from churches.

Seagulls invariably accompany the ships.

This was caused to see off our linear oceanic launch.
Everything, ahead Continent. Solovki are urgently recommended to visiting! Solovetsky Islands — one big sight! Both the nature, and the Kremlin, churches, atmosphere.
Except as by sea, on Solovetsky Islands it is possible to reach by plane, there is a small airdrome and An-24 fly. Keep in mind that during a storm, from the end of September to the beginning of December and from March till April of island of archipelago are cut off from the world, there is a chance to stay for a while longer planned. Flies nothing and does not float. Thanks to it, by the way, on Solovki the highest birth rate, from all settlements of Russia (conceding, unless, to the Caucasian republics).

At last, one of towers Solovetsky Kremlin on a decline.
On 1000 inhabitants there are 2 000-3 000 registered units of technics (!) means, of course, not only cars, but also ships, boats. So it only officially registered. Without problems it is possible to lease an off-road car or to agree with the owner of any boat that has taken for a drive (to Muksalmy, for example). Where to lodge: or a para-three of hotels, or in the private house. Or with tent if weather allows. Larceny on islands is not present, something filches at you visitors can only.
Themes: churches and cathedrals 24 fortification 35 fortresses 25 nature 16 photos 417 Solovki 1 travel 286 White sea 1
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