Arch of the Datsan

Arch of the Datsan photo - Ulan-Ude
1600x1065 | 913.95 Kb
05.08.2019  10:27

Arch at the entrance to the territory of Datsan “Rinpoche-Bagsha” - one of the Buddhist temples Ulan-Ude.

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photo near Ulan-Ude
  • Monument to Karl Marx
  • Monument to Lenin
  • Arch of the Datsan
  • Observation Deck of Datsan Rinpoche Bagsh
  • Panorama of Ulan-Ude

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arch  Archs. Bow-shaped overlapping which is a constructive detail of buildings, or simple an independent construction.


Buddhism - “The Teachings of the Enlightened One.


Photo churches and cathedrals, temples and chapels. The church architecture created by great architects or unknown serf masters. Photos churches St.-Petersburg, Voronezh, hardly Moscow... →



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