collection 8 photo

Series of photo «Peter and Paul cathedral» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 8 pix


Present Peter and Paul cathedral is built on a place of the initial wooden. Is the central dominant Peter and Paul Fortress and the spike is visible from many points in the centre St.-Petersburg. In a stone cathedral the — wooden spike has suffered during a fire 1756 year from a lightning stroke. It is restored in 1770 th years with little changes in comparison with a former kind. In 1858 to year the wooden spike is replaced under the project ­engineer D.I.Zhuravsky metal in height in 48,5 m. the Height of the belltower increased by 10 m, has reached 122,5 m. of the Dome and a spike are covered by the copper gilt sheets. The figure of a flying angel on a cross is executed by Zaleman already in the end of XIX in (the previous angel «has blown off» at flooding 1777 year).

Cathedral — the rare monument of architecture of Petrovsky baroque. On a composition — it is not traditional for Russian cult architecture­. It three-knitting a construction, characteristic for Lutheran — temples of the Baltic states. Here all tsars, since ­Peter I to Nikolay II (behind an exception Peter II) are buried­. Identical ­white marble gravestones are established in 1865 two sarcophagi Alexander II (from a grey-green Altay jasper) and his wives ­- Marias Aleksandrovny (from Ural pink orlets) Are allocated­. Both are executed at the Peterhof lapidary factory on F.Botta`s drawing; They weigh more than 6 т everyone.

part from 18 wall pictures integrally entering into a composition — of an interior, has remained since building building. Attracts — attention realness of treatment of evangelical plots­.

temple hall is decorated by copies of the trophy banners grasped in soldiers — XVIII-XIX centuries Are interesting chair and быв. An imperial place. The — wooden carved gilt iconostasis established — in 1729 is especially magnificent ­­ to year. It is executed under the project architect I. P.Zarudnogo the Moscow — masters-carvers. Splendour and solemnity of a composition­, boldly rushing into a light drum of a dome, have reflected pathos of a victory in Northern war.

a chiming clock of hours at the Soviet power played a belltower at first Internatsional, and then a melody of the Hymn of Soviet Union. Presently on the area between a cathedral and the Mint it is possible will take pleasure in unusual sounding carillon.

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