Samara - sights, monuments, sculptures

109 photo with description
Symbol World Cup 2018
The symbol of the World Football Championship 2018 - the dog " Zabivaka " welcomes visitors at the entrance to the Samara railway station.

Sculpture "Detochkin"

The sculpture "Detochkin" is the first attraction that greets guests of Samara, leaving the Komsomolskaya Square from the newest railway station. Established in honor of the 85th anniversary of Samara Honorary Citizen Eldar Ryazanov. Sculpture movie hero installed on November 9, 2012 .

Samara tram
In Samara, old trams, but in excellent condition (in any case, I thought so).

Provincial market
The provincial market is a historic building in the style of Stalinist classicism, it was opened in 1955 .

The construction basis for the Gubernsky market was the captured German aviation hangar, the author of the project is Peter Shcherbachev. Before becoming Governor, was called "Kolkhoz" and "Covered".

"House with a clock"
The house of merchant Andrei Frolovich Kozhevnikov. In the people - " House with a clock ."

According to legend, an 18 year old beautiful daughter died from a consumption of a merchant who lived in this house. The grieving father ordered the banging of the windows in his daughter’s room, and a clock with the carved initials of the AFK merchant was hung on the front of the house. The wooden hands of the clock froze forever, showing the hour of the girl's death. The merchant, as local historians and tour guides tell me, washed down with grief and drank soundly for a whole year, abandoning business.

Hours and initials can be seen in the middle of the house.

Sokolovskaya poorhouse
The almshouse of Sokolov with the home church of the holy apostles James and John, a historic building of the early 20th century (built between 1907 and 1911 ), an architectural monument, an object of cultural heritage of regional significance. The complex of buildings was built with the money of a merchant, whose last name was named.

Address: Samara, st. Chkalov 98 / Michurin 2. The building is now occupied by the Department of convoy GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Samara region (PKU MC GUFSIN Russia for the Samara region).

Monument to the revolution fighters
Monument to the fighters of the revolution .

Soyuz carrier rocket
Launch vehicle "Soyuz" (R-7), a museum complex dedicated to astronautics. Lenin Avenue (near houses 11-15). According to intelligence, the museum is very interesting, but I did not have time to visit it ... Another time.

Beds near the museum complex
Flower beds near the museum complex in the form of a UFO. Gorgeous! Well, the aliens in the background.

Panel on the space theme
At the nearby house is a beautiful panel on the space theme.

Sophia Cathedral
Sofia's Cathedral of the Wisdom of God in Samara ( Saint Sophia Cathedral ), turn of Lesnaya Street in the area of ​​houses 31-35А.

Well and favorite heading: find a cat / selfie

Stella Rook

Stella Rook - one of the symbols of Samara, the fourth turn of the October Embankment. It was built in 1986 by the project of Samara architects Anatoly Yankin and Igor Galakhov.

View of the stele Rook

Fountain on the Embankment
A multi-level fountain on the embankment could be more interesting, but at least that way.

Embankment lattices
The embankment grids are beautiful - Soviet times. In 1975, the state allocated a huge amount of money and began large-scale work on the embankment arrangement, going in 4 stages and the Samara embankment to the current times is the most luxurious.

Samara beach
Samara Beach.

View of the beach in Samara

Avant-garde sculpture
Avant-garde sculpture on the waterfront in Samara. Kaef!

Embankment in Samara
According to intelligence data, the embankment in Samara and during the Soviet Union was well-equipped, and now it is generally gorgeous.

Monument to Prince Zasekin
Monument to the first commander and founder of Samara Prince Grigory Zasekin . And the girls were passing by, probably filing video with the help of a phone and a selfie stick :)

Trinity on scooters
Trinity on scooters and hoverboard. They are rented, and the length of the embankment (~ 5 km) allows plenty of rolling.

Bench and bin
The benches on the embankment are quite good, although it could be better (more convenient). And the bins are generally gorgeous.

 Travel Signs
I was in Samara 2 weeks after the completion of the World Cup; in Samara there were separate matches, the inscriptions on the index were duplicated not only in English, but also in Spanish. Zachot city authorities.

View of the monument to Prince Zasekin
View of the monument to Prince Zasekin .

Restaurant" Three deer "
I would have had more time, I would have been happy to get there, I had a great view of the embankment and the Volga from the open terrace.

Monument to the conquerors of space
Monument to the conquerors of space and another restaurant clearly with gorgeous views of the Volga.

Benches and litter bins
Benches and urns. Well, I was angry that one young man was taking pictures of another.

The monument is clearly of Soviet times and very pleasant.

Aircraft seller
Signs of the time - Chinese plastic airplanes, which appeared en masse in the cities of Russia (I met almost everywhere). Airplanes have two features - they can not be broken (bend as you like) and fly with a boomerang effect.

Window in the fence of the brewery
A window in the fence of the brewery through which the freshest beer was once sold. The inscription says that the plant has been operating since 1900 .

Hammocks on the first line of the embankment
Gorgeous idea - put hammocks on the waterfront! Yes, and the implementation is cool.

Hammocks on the Volga Embankment

Beautiful lights of the Soviet era. Well done that saved.

Trampolines, hammocks, rental rollers / scooters / scooters. Fine! The necessary minimum is also available, but there are no shameful stalls, which is absolutely correct. There are only tiny mobile selling points of kvass.

Samara Football Guide
Football guide Samara, football history.

Public toilet
Public toilet. Beauty! The first (old) line of the embankment and toilet of the 70s or 80s.

Monument to the Young Navy
> Monument to the youngsters of the Navy, pupils of the Solovki school young.

Houses along Maxim Gorky Street
Houses on Maxim Gorky Street. On the house on the left, the assholes sewed balconies, on the house on the right - everything is fine.

Houses along Maxim Gorky Street
And then everything is fine, the facades without the city on the balconies.

Samara Fountain"
Fountain "Samara", the old embankment (3rd stage).

 Observatory of rescuers
Observatory of lifeguards of unreal beauty and grace. And in theory, it should be viewed from the entire promenade and beaches.

Monument to the Sailors
Monument to the sailors and ships.

Monument of Glory
The Monument of Glory is one of the symbols of Samara . On a 40-meter pedestal there is a figure of a worker holding wings in raised hands. The monument on the eponymous square symbolizes the contribution of Samarans to the creation of the country's aviation industry, opened on November 5, 1971 .

Glory Monument, postcard view

Children in the fountain
At the foot of the Monument of Glory, two fountains, crackers, of course, on a hot day, occupied by children.

Monument battery
Monument to the battery on the wall of the Samara State District Power Station, repeating the first batteries installed 150 years ago within the walls of the Samara Art Museum, while decorated in the Art Nouveau style . One of the most lamp monuments of Russia :)

Monument to the brewer
Sculptural composition " Samara Brewer ", which appeared recently - December 28, 2017. Address: Samara, Volzhsky Avenue, Building 4.

Well, the young ladies are photographed for memory.

The letters "Samara"
The letters "Samara" on the Volga embankment.

"I love Samara"
Sign "I love Samara" of flowers.

Heart of flowers and the letter "Samara"
Like on the embankment, on Leningradskaya street, there is also a heart with letters.
In the background - nice eclecticism.

Matryoshka cosmonauts
A chic example of contemporary art: cosmonauts matryoshka on the embankment in Samara.

Monument to Sukhov
Monument to Comrade Sukhov, a fictional movie hero from the movie “White Sun of the Desert”.

City Beach
The city beach in Samara stretches for several kilometers and is excellent. There is only one claim - very few changing rooms.

Barge Haulers on the Volga
Sculpture " Barge haulers on the Volga ". At this moment a group of tourists came to the sculpture with a guide, who told the story of the monument and the paintings of Repin.

Sculpture "Barge boats on the Volga"

Wooden house
Wooden house, the intersection of Ventsek and Vodnik.

Wooden house, the intersection of Ventsek street, 5 and Vodnikov d. 87

Lenin monument
Monument to Lenin .

Kuybyshev Street
Kuybyshev Street in Samara is built up with merchant mansions, which are perfectly restored.
The cherry on the cake is the Belousov mansion in the Moorish style (architect Alexander Shcherbachev, 1898 ).

Mansion Belousov, st. Kuibyshev, 72

About the piano
About the piano

150 years of the Samara province
150 years of the Samara province - a stele topped with a double-headed eagle (the intersection of Kuibyshev and Leningradskaya streets). On the left is a pleasant merchant mansion.

"Uncle Styopa Militiaman"
Uncle Styopa Militiaman” - a new monument, 2015, installed at the intersection of Leningradskaya and Molodogvardeiskaya streets, the author (which is surprising) - Zurab Tsereteli

The dog at the feet of the policeman
Funny dog ​​at the feet :)

Samarskaya street
Panorama of the Samara street. Already collecting the panorama shed a tear from the town hall on the right.

Antique clock
I love the street clock, and here is such an awesome! Victorian era straight.
Location: st. Lev Tolstoy, d. 131 (near the railway station of Samara ).

Samara Railway Station
Samara railway station is the newest, it is clear that it has been recently built. The interior is excellent, and the appearance outside is somewhat dubious and phallic.

Shawarma, barbecue paradise, tire fitting
Three in one.

Brick house
Pleasant red brick house, recently renovated. Chkalov Street, 100.

House indexes
Some hefty original mount house pointer on the right. And the pointer itself is quite a literate and visually pleasing.

 Old tram on the territory of the tram depot
The old restored first tram in Samara on the territory of the tram depot. A bore at the checkpoint did not allow me to enter the territory and take a photograph like a human being.

Amazing constructivism at the corner of Polevaya and Artsebushevskaya streets (building 175). I think the building's 70s, and the style of the 30s.

 The temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God" The Hearing Lord "
The temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Skoroproslushnitsa" (at the city clinical hospital number 1 named after NI Pirogov).

 Old wooden house
Lenin 332 / Lenin Ave, most recently was in ushatannom condition. It is a pity I did not find the history of the house, but it is clearly a junction of centuries.

Police Box
Amazingly beautiful police booth. Soon there will be a collection of such masterpieces.

Gift box in the form of nesting dolls
A souvenir stall in the form of matryoshkas is a great idea as well as a realization! Well done city authorities. By the way, there is no elemental trade in souvenirs, such as in Novgorod, in Samara.

Perhaps the coolest and most funny booth PPC in Russia.

Soviet panels
Mosaic panel of the Soviet times on the topic of working professions and space.

About an interesting window in the harsh industrial architecture :) Well, the fence is pleasant, albeit simple (Samara Hydroelectric Power Station).

Management of the Samara State Regional Power Station
Management of the Samara State Regional Power Station . Simplicity and attractive building with a bit of kitsch and overloaded facades, but who pays attention to such trifles?

Samara State Regional Power Station
Samara State District Power Station .

Iversky Samara Convent
Iversky Samara Convent .

Pleasant two-storey house, Ventsek St., 10
Pleasant two-storey house, st. Wentzek, 10.

Cafe "Assol"
Cafe "Assol". Ugorel from this kitsch ship. But the house and cafe got +1000 to visibility :)

 One-floor old house
Pleasant one-floor old house, st. Alexey Tolstoy, 82.

Pedestrian part of Kuybyshev street
Pedestrian part of Kuybyshev street. Attractive red house (second) - House Kalachaeva, from 1903 to 1917 - the hotel "Bristol".

General Post Office
Such a kichy Main Post Office :) With a globe on the facade!

Pedestrian Leningradskaya Street
Pedestrian Leningradskaya street.

Fountain in Leningradskaya Street
About the fountain and pigeons. Oh, and it could turn out better ...

Crossroads of Leningradskaya and Frunze streets
Crossroads of Leningradskaya and Frunze streets. Magnificent beauty and literacy lights and a huge tourist map. The building on the right is the former Hotel National (now the Azimut Hotel Samara Hotel). The truth is strongly rebuilt, in girlhood was more beautiful.

Leningradskaya street

Cinema" Youth "
Cinema "Youth" and a ridiculous police station, more like a hipster coffee shop :)

Industrial architecture
An interesting industrial architecture, now - Samara State College of Service Technology and Design .

Profitable House of the Merchant Ponomarev
Profitable house of the merchant Ponamarev, the end of the XIX century. Samarskaya Street, 67.

The arch into the courtyards is beautiful. Another would be to restore her and houses (Samarskaya Street). Something I have never met so that the street was called as the city.

Samarskaya Street

Samarskaya Street
Samarskaya street, the house at the intersection with Nekrasovskaya street.

 Old wooden carved house, Samarskaya street
Old wooden carved house, Samara street.

Samara`s Puppet Theater
Samara`s Puppet Theater (formerly Aquarium Restaurant). Such a kitsch hostel :)

 Old house

 Old house with siding
The assholes of antiquity were sheathed with siding ... A common topic in Russia.

Eclecticism and some rethinking of the Russian revival style . Lev Tolstoy Street, 83.

 Old House
In Samara, excellent traffic lights! Compact and very noticeable even without visors + the most competent option when the countdown is inside, and not a separate module.

 Old houses
77, Lev Tolstoy Street (Former Maternity Hospital No. 1 of the city of Kuibyshev) and 79 Leninskaya Street.

Palace of Culture of Railwaymen
Palace of culture of railway workers.

Former Pushkin`s House, built in 1903 . Probably the former name served as such a ridiculous current name. Street Leo Tolstoy, 94.

 The inscription on the gate
Literate :)))

Red Cross Society Hospital
Former Red Cross Society Hospital, Lev Tolstoy Street, 136.

Management of the Kuibyshev Railway
Management of the Kuibyshev railway and station square (Komsomolskaya). The office building of the Russian Railways was built in 1925 by the project of architect P. A. Shcherbachev. And what surprised me was the late modernist style (then constructivism was already conceived and nothing was built anywhere in modern style).

And I curled up and drove on - at Ufa Samara, I visited the first of 18 cities in Russia, which dashed in August-October 2018 and the city struck me. 10 out of 10. The infrastructure is excellent, no complaints. Traffic lights, road markings, the quality of roads and sidewalks are beyond praise. The embankment is generally one of the best in Russia. Well done that saved and in the last 5-10 years brought in the divine form of antiquity.


Themes: attractions 134  photos 417  river 10  Samara 2  travel 286  Volga 5  

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