Myshkin — an example for all of Russia
7 photo with description13.04.2019 15:39
13.04.2019 15:39
Andrey Panevin

Until the 90s of the 20th century, Myshkin was an ordinary town, in fact a village, not much different from any other.
But there was one piercing lady, a great patriot of her native city, who persuaded the regional authorities to allow Myshkin to receive tourist motor ships.
Under the theme of tourists, Muscovites began to force the topic of mice hard, created the Mouse Museum, and then a couple of dozen different museums and even an art gallery (!).
And burned out!
Now for the 5000 population of the city tourist flow is 1.5 million per year!
Just imagine!
And that young lady Myshkin simply obliged to erect a monument.
In the Mouse Museum there is a crowd of schoolchildren and the truth is very interesting there. Tourists come to Myshkin by buses from around the area. And I already came from Petersburg.

Vodka Museum P.A. Smirnova, Myshkin, Uglichskaya Street, 21. There will be an elegant lecture about the creator of vodka Smirnovskaya and 50 grams of vodka! The only museum in Russia where they pour :) In Myshkin 2 dozen museums, I was amazed.
Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Nikolsky). Home dominant of the city Myshkin.
Tourist signposts very cool !! The coolest in Russia. May be even in the world :)
Tourist complex "Myshkin Chamber", aka Mouse Palace. Sobbed
Monument to the mouse on Nikolskaya street.
Hotel "Mouse Inn" - laughing with the name. The coolest hotel in the city! The highest prices are NO.
Notes about this wonderful town:
Myshkin - the capital of provincial Russia!
Museums Myshkin

In the Mouse Museum there is a crowd of schoolchildren and the truth is very interesting there. Tourists come to Myshkin by buses from around the area. And I already came from Petersburg.

Vodka Museum P.A. Smirnova, Myshkin, Uglichskaya Street, 21. There will be an elegant lecture about the creator of vodka Smirnovskaya and 50 grams of vodka! The only museum in Russia where they pour :) In Myshkin 2 dozen museums, I was amazed.
- Mouse Museum
- Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samohod"
- Peter Smirnov Museum
- Open-air museum
- Local Lore Museum
- Museum Uchemsky Krai
- Myshkinskoye Volga
- Museum "Makhayev Dvor"

Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Nikolsky). Home dominant of the city Myshkin.

Tourist signposts very cool !! The coolest in Russia. May be even in the world :)

Tourist complex "Myshkin Chamber", aka Mouse Palace. Sobbed

Monument to the mouse on Nikolskaya street.

Hotel "Mouse Inn" - laughing with the name. The coolest hotel in the city! The highest prices are NO.
Notes about this wonderful town:
Myshkin - the capital of provincial Russia!
Museums Myshkin
Themes: Myshkin 3 photos 417 travel 286
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