Goto Predestinatsia — ship-museum
41 photo with description04.12.2014 04:21
04.12.2014 04:21
Andrey Panevin

When I have been in Voronezh I`m decided to look Petrovsky ship of the line Goto Predestinatsia, moored at the Admiralty square and recently was restored (the divine prediction, a foresight). It is an approximate copy though authors swear that the 58-gun battle ship is recreated in accuracy under drawings.

From apart the ship-museum makes impression of the present sailing vessel, on closer examination it appears that on the metal case the wooden construction on any parquet technology is built on.
Bowsprit of the ship.
The gun ports framed with wreaths. Over a deck the life boat is fixed.
Forage of Goto Predestinatsia.
Goto Predestinatsia at a mooring, a view from a stern. By the way on a mooring the sign «Mooring №1» (№1 and it and last). A dome-shaped building, a rotunda — museum cash desk.
Goto Predestinatsia, a view from a stern.
Sculptures on a forage of Goto Predestinatsia. I can not the rights, but I had an impression that ship registration extremely poor quality. Something prompts to me that in the original all was much more qualitatively and more abruptly.
The right board of Goto Predestinatsia, view from a water basin.
Main deck of Goto Predestinatsia.
Artillery kernels on a main deck.
Let's go down inside in a museum. A fodder premise, a captain's cabin.
Museum exposition. A miniature of building of a galley and the ship of the line Goto Predestinatsia. Here such river Voronezh also was narrow. In additives also shallow, places depth made only 20 sm that fine complicated transportation of courts to the Azov sea.
Pay attention — the shipyard was on left to river bank Voronezh, opposite to Uspensky Admiralty church. It is considered that the stone church is constructed in 1703, and Goto Predestinatsia — in 1701. Other ships of the line, for example «Lastka» or «Scorpion» most likely is under construction.
The emperor Peter I, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov and (for example) ship master Fedosej Moiseevich Skljaev — the head of building of Goto Predestinatsia — on the Voronezh shipyard.
Miniatures in an exposition of very high quality and very interesting. I think, children in delight.
Two-metre Peter I slept in the same bed. In those days was considered that the person, sleeping lying, obligatorily will cause suspicion in angels (or demons) and it will be taken immediately away in other kingdom. To It people slept half-sitting.
Wax figure of Peter I and a copy of globe XVII-XVIII of centuries.
Painting — the ships on spot-check. Apparently the ships Dutch and a city any European.
We go further — a wardroom, crew vacation spot.
On a table there are copies of simple ship utensils and a marching altar.
Copy of a cage with a copy of a birdie. Would get a live parrot, what. In general historically sailors of the different countries liked to take on the ship of different songbirds. Both guzzles a little and chirps joyfully — all more cheerfully.
Sailor's chest.
On a hammock the sailor has a rest., By the way, the educated Europeans have adopted hammocks at Indians of a New World, after the colonisation beginning. To hammocks crews of the ships slept on wooden benches, falling and breaking itself a tail.
We go further — cannon deck.
At each tool ramrods are attached to a ceiling and woofers for clearing of a trunk of the tool of ashes and a soot after a shot. Tools had no state part and were charged from a trunk that created certain difficulties, for example recharge time averaged 7 minutes.
Wax figure of the captain-commodore — the officer who is setting fire to fuses of tools and, thus, of the ship responsible for artillery shooting. Shooting was conducted not by volleys, and consecutive shots. Key value had quantity of tools (accuracy of shooting scanty, aim range too small — an order of 300 metres).
Peter I posthumous mask and the print of a palm left during opening (a bookmark?) the Lipetsk metallurgical enterprise.
We go further — ship hold.
In hold a fine miniature as the Turkish galley combats with four Russian courts.
The guide as a whole perfectly telling, began to talk nonsense how Cossacks (the second ship behind a Turkish galley in the foreground) can heal the ships and to breathe through stems (!). But we will consider that`s it is «alternative» history.
Peter's boat model (or the similar ship).
Wax figure of the sailor in the form of the Dutch seaman. At first the form was bought abroad or sewed on the western sample.
Ship galley — a sacred place for each crewman! Till now in all kinds of armed forces is quoted to serve «on porridge» — warmly, well and flies do not bite.
The form of elite Petrovsky oldest regiments — Semyonovsky (at the left) and Preobrazhenskiy (on the right).
The form of the grenadier of an infantry regiment (at the left) and the sailor imperial rowing commands (on the right).
That`s all! In spite of the fact that from all exposition present only 1 (one) brick of Petrovsky time, I urgently recommend to visiting the ship-museum of Goto Predestinatsia.

From apart the ship-museum makes impression of the present sailing vessel, on closer examination it appears that on the metal case the wooden construction on any parquet technology is built on.

Bowsprit of the ship.

The gun ports framed with wreaths. Over a deck the life boat is fixed.

Forage of Goto Predestinatsia.

Goto Predestinatsia at a mooring, a view from a stern. By the way on a mooring the sign «Mooring №1» (№1 and it and last). A dome-shaped building, a rotunda — museum cash desk.

Goto Predestinatsia, a view from a stern.

Sculptures on a forage of Goto Predestinatsia. I can not the rights, but I had an impression that ship registration extremely poor quality. Something prompts to me that in the original all was much more qualitatively and more abruptly.

The right board of Goto Predestinatsia, view from a water basin.

Main deck of Goto Predestinatsia.

Artillery kernels on a main deck.
Let's go down inside in a museum. A fodder premise, a captain's cabin.

Museum exposition. A miniature of building of a galley and the ship of the line Goto Predestinatsia. Here such river Voronezh also was narrow. In additives also shallow, places depth made only 20 sm that fine complicated transportation of courts to the Azov sea.

Pay attention — the shipyard was on left to river bank Voronezh, opposite to Uspensky Admiralty church. It is considered that the stone church is constructed in 1703, and Goto Predestinatsia — in 1701. Other ships of the line, for example «Lastka» or «Scorpion» most likely is under construction.

The emperor Peter I, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov and (for example) ship master Fedosej Moiseevich Skljaev — the head of building of Goto Predestinatsia — on the Voronezh shipyard.

Miniatures in an exposition of very high quality and very interesting. I think, children in delight.

Two-metre Peter I slept in the same bed. In those days was considered that the person, sleeping lying, obligatorily will cause suspicion in angels (or demons) and it will be taken immediately away in other kingdom. To It people slept half-sitting.

Wax figure of Peter I and a copy of globe XVII-XVIII of centuries.


Painting — the ships on spot-check. Apparently the ships Dutch and a city any European.
We go further — a wardroom, crew vacation spot.

On a table there are copies of simple ship utensils and a marching altar.

Copy of a cage with a copy of a birdie. Would get a live parrot, what. In general historically sailors of the different countries liked to take on the ship of different songbirds. Both guzzles a little and chirps joyfully — all more cheerfully.

Sailor's chest.

On a hammock the sailor has a rest., By the way, the educated Europeans have adopted hammocks at Indians of a New World, after the colonisation beginning. To hammocks crews of the ships slept on wooden benches, falling and breaking itself a tail.
We go further — cannon deck.

At each tool ramrods are attached to a ceiling and woofers for clearing of a trunk of the tool of ashes and a soot after a shot. Tools had no state part and were charged from a trunk that created certain difficulties, for example recharge time averaged 7 minutes.

Wax figure of the captain-commodore — the officer who is setting fire to fuses of tools and, thus, of the ship responsible for artillery shooting. Shooting was conducted not by volleys, and consecutive shots. Key value had quantity of tools (accuracy of shooting scanty, aim range too small — an order of 300 metres).

Peter I posthumous mask and the print of a palm left during opening (a bookmark?) the Lipetsk metallurgical enterprise.
We go further — ship hold.

In hold a fine miniature as the Turkish galley combats with four Russian courts.

The guide as a whole perfectly telling, began to talk nonsense how Cossacks (the second ship behind a Turkish galley in the foreground) can heal the ships and to breathe through stems (!). But we will consider that`s it is «alternative» history.

Peter's boat model (or the similar ship).

Wax figure of the sailor in the form of the Dutch seaman. At first the form was bought abroad or sewed on the western sample.

Ship galley — a sacred place for each crewman! Till now in all kinds of armed forces is quoted to serve «on porridge» — warmly, well and flies do not bite.

The form of elite Petrovsky oldest regiments — Semyonovsky (at the left) and Preobrazhenskiy (on the right).

The form of the grenadier of an infantry regiment (at the left) and the sailor imperial rowing commands (on the right).
That`s all! In spite of the fact that from all exposition present only 1 (one) brick of Petrovsky time, I urgently recommend to visiting the ship-museum of Goto Predestinatsia.
Themes: fleet 11 museums 22 photos 417 sailing vessel 1 ships 17 travel 286 Voronezh 10
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