Vladimir`s cherry

Vladimir`s cherry photo - Vladimir
1600x1065 | 1420.7 Kb
21.10.2018  11:59

Vladimir`s cherry is a symbol of fertility of the Vladimir region, abundance of well-being and hospitality. The art object is set to 2014 year in commemoration of the revival of snow-white Vladimir gardens.

There is a water (viewing) tower in the background. In connection with the construction city ​​water supply in the 1868 year this building was designed by Carl Dill. In 1975 in the building the exposition “Old Vladimir” is opened - 3 floors of the exhibition, on the 4th floor even a viewing platform.

Vladimir, Kozlov Val Street, 14.

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Vladimir — old russian city on photo. Russian architecture, monuments and sights. City in Gold Rind of Russia.



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