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Series of photo «Admiralty» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 4 pix


P-shaped building repeating contours of wooden shipyards of Petrovsky times. Put under the drawing Peter I in 1704 It is reconstructed in a stone under the project And. To — Korobova (17321738). Modern shape with preservation of the general — planned composition of a building and a tower over entrance has got under the project of ingenious architect A.D.Zaharova in the first quarter of XIX century and the unique sample of style of high classicism represents.

Differs unique architecture of high classicism and is city-forming a building Petersburg. On the Admiralty spike orient Nevsky prospect, Pea street and the Voznesensky avenue. The admiralty is located between the basic areas: Palace and Senatorial; building wings leave to Neva where fake landing stages are created. The western landing stage is decorated by granite vases, east — bronze lions. In the middle of the central facade stretched hardly more than on 400 metres, the arch is located; the building is topped by a spike with the allegorical image sailing vessel (one of the most recognised symbols St.-Petersburg).

Tower (the height 72) with Ionic peripter above is topped by a dynamic spike and a silhouette of the sailing ship. At a foot — symmetric stone groups of the nymphs bearing terrestrial and heavenly spheres ­(sculptor. F.F.Schedrin). Over peripter, under a spike, 28 statues — allegories — of seasons, cardinal points, elements, goddesses of Izidy and Urania. Are executed — from beaten copper on F.F.Schedrin, S.S.Pimenova, V.I.Demut-Malinovsky, I.I.Terebeneva and A.A.Anisimov`s old stone models.

Attik over entrance is a background grandiose (22x2,4) an allegorical — bas-relief on a theme «the Institution of Russian fleet Peter I» (sculptor. I.I.Terebenev). On corners of the bottom volume of a tower — four stone — sitting figures of soldiers-heroes of an antiquity: the Ajax, Ahill, Pierre and Alexander the Great (sculptor. F.F.Schedrin).

Extended main facade of a three-storyed building with a high ground floor is skilfully dismembered six- and twelve-column doric by the porticoes symmetrized in relation to a tower, towering on a composite axis. The bottom twelve-column porticoes still had granite pedestals of the allegorical statues destroyed in 1860 th years. In pediments of porticoes of the main — facade — the magnificent high reliefs confirming glory of Russia: on the left pediment — the goddess the Themis awards soldiers-winners by land and by sea, on right — the Themis awards for works of handicraftsmen — and peasants (sculptor. I.I.Terebenev).

before main and western facades of Admiralty about 100 years ago break the Aleksandrovsky garden. Before a tower — the big multijet fountain. On avenues воздвигнуты monuments to figures of domestic culture: to V.A.Zhukovsky, N. V.Gogol, M.Ju.Lermontov (sculptor. P.V.Krejtan, architect Ampere-second. Лыткин, 1896), M.I.Glinka (sculptor. V.M.Pashchenko, 1899) and N. M.Przhevalsky (sculptor. I. P.Schröder under the project of the general A. Bilderling, 1892).

Western and east (before the Winter palace) Admiralty facades — are same. In pediments twelve-column porticoes allegorical — not subject high reliefs. On the north to quay of Neva — end faces of wings of the P-shaped building with arches of entrances are turned­. Before them — granite descents to the water, decorated with pig-iron sculptures of lions (sculptor I. P.Prokofiev) and vases.

in the end of XIX century the ship-building shipyard has been deduced from Admiralty, and the released ground between building wings is built up — by profitable houses.

in a building valuable interiors, carefully restored after war have remained some. Among them unique two tiers of windows a smart lobby, library and a conference hall.

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