Yaroslavl - monuments and sculptures
40 photo with description23.12.2018 14:03
23.12.2018 14:03
Andrey Panevin

Monument to Georgi Dimitrov at the intersection of Victory Street and October Revolution Avenue. Dimitrov has nothing to do with Yaroslavl, but in 1985 he was donated by Bulgaria as a sign of friendship.

Former mansion of Yaroslavl merchant I. N. Dunaev on Dvoryanskaya Street (now - October Avenue). The building was designed by architect N. I. Pozdeev in 1886.
It is also known among the townspeople as “the house of the non-drinkers” or “the four non-drinkers” (Atlantes 4).
Address: Yaroslavl, prospect October, 38.

Monument to Karl Marx on the eponymous square. In the people - "Head".
Established in 1972 by the project of sculptor L. E. Krebel and architect I. E. Khidirov.

Alley along Lenin Avenue, Romanovskaya Outpost, on the right - a sculpture of a policeman. At this place there once was a Romanovskaya outpost on a road from Romanovo-Borisoglebsk (now Tutaev).
The author is a sculptor Elena Paschina, the sculpture was established in 2008.

Monument to Lenin on the eponymous avenue.
Installed on the boulevard in 1958.
The people - "sedentary Lenin" or "under the foot" (by analogy with the comic nickname of the monument on Red Square - "at hand").
The sculptor is M. F. Listopad, the architect is V. F. Marov.

Monument "The courage of firefighters and rescuers" near the fire station number 1. Firefighter makes a child out of the flame.
Recently installed December 28, 2015.

House with arch. Also known as "House for Lenin", "House on the Red", "Pants". Monument to Lenin in the people - " at hand."

Monument to Peter and Fevronia on Pervomaysky Boulevard.

This monument was opened on July 8, 2009, the author is Konstantin Chernyavsky.
The same author wrote down similar monuments in Arkhangelsk, Sochi, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Tula, Kirov, Tolyatti, Astrakhan and St. Petersburg. What a prolific character!

Monument to F.G. Volkov - the founder of the first Russian professional theater (installed in 1973).
In the people - "Fedya" or "Man in tights"
Address: Yaroslavl, square "Vlasyevsky garden."

Epiphany Square, a monument to Yaroslav the Wise, the walls of the Transfiguration Monastery. On the right is the Temple of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Monument to Emperor Alexander II in the square on Mukomolny.
Opened recently, on October 24, 2015 with the assistance of the Department of the Federal Court Bailiffs (timed to the 150th anniversary of the FSSP).

With this horse, I was very angry :) Small architectural form "Horse in apples". A passing young lady, seeing that I was photographing, smiled. That would be more of this in the cities of Russia!
By installing the sculpture, the local authorities decided to remind the townspeople about the horse-drawn carriageway, which existed earlier nearby - on Kotoroslnaya Embankment.
But in the background - the Church of the Mother of God of Tikhvin (left) and the Church of St. Nicholas (right). Both XVII century buildings.

Monument to military financiers.

Entrance to the park of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Sculpture "Grief".

The fountain is already off, after all, October...

The sculpture "Bear with fish" in the park of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. A gift to the city from bear is a symbol of Yaroslavl.


Yacht pier, view from this park.

Park created recently, and the lights are already broken. Well and landscaped park is extremely poor and little.


Medium-sized park benches could be better.

Avant-garde sculpture in the park of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. It is a pity that it doesn’t google that symbolizes, but the sculpture is definitely pleasant.

Concert and entertainment center "Millennium", the largest in Yaroslavl. But the photo for the wooden styling of the well and the wretched arch (left).

In front of one of the educational buildings of the Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense, air defense missile systems and the S-75 air defense missile system were installed.

The monument to the penny of 1612, the coin rests on the prong of the wall of the Yaroslavl Kremlin and the prong of the wall of the Moscow Kremlin. Established in 2013 in memory of the coins, produced in Yaroslavl by the people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky.
Well, on the left - chasing souvenir coins.

The oath of Prince Pozharsky is a gift to Yaroslavl for a millennium. Author - V. Nesterenko

Sculpture "Afonya". Evgeny Leonov in the role of plasterer Kolya and Leonid Kuravlev in the role of plumber Borschov (Afoni). The film was shot in Yaroslavl in 1975. The monument captured the episode at the beginning of the film, where the characters of the comedy “Drink Well”. And cat: 3
The monument was opened in May 2010.
Address: Yaroslavl, st. Nahimson, 21a.

Demidov's pillar - was originally built in 1829 in honor of the founder of the first educational institution in the city (law school) Pavel Demidov, stood for just over a century and was destroyed in 1931. The new pillar was erected in 2005 on the model and likeness of the destroyed.
Yaroslavl, Chelyuskintsev area.

Memorial complex " Eternal Flame " was opened in 1968, it was in the late 60s - early 70s that the "Eternal Lights" began to be massively established in the country. In the background - one of the main symbols of Yaroslavl - the Assumption Cathedral (restored in 2010).
Yaroslavl, Chelyuskintsev area.

Chapel (?) Sort of.

I met a similar wolfer in Myshkin, Voronezh, Vladimir and Yaroslavl :) Heading "neither mind nor fancy."

Restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine, Selyuk meet at the entrance. And sad cat...

Asshots broke off the cat foot...

Sculpture of a bull erected by a nearby restaurant.

The letters "I love Yaroslavl"

And another option, tourists are photographed for memory.

Sculpture of a bear. "The symbol of Russia - the legend of Yaroslavl" - reads the inscription on the pedestal in the form of raw stone.
Yaroslavl, Restaurant "Pivovar" (Revolutionary passage, 14).
Bears, Afonya and cats are a great addition to the collection! What a pity that not all cities come across and in general there are such pleasant small architectural forms. More such sculptures.
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