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Series of photo «sculpture» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 679 pix


Sculptures in St.-Petersburg stand continually, in particular in the centre, where плотност monuments the phenomenal. The known sculpture most, perhaps, one of the main symbols of a city on Neva -«Copper Horseman». The Equestrian statue in honour of the emperor Peter I, cast at Catherine II. A huge pedestal — the integral granite stone found in woods of Kareliya and specially for this monument, delivered in Petersburg. It is impossible to mention and about the tiniest city monument on Neva -«the Siskin of Pyzhik». The birdie already time 7 stolen, and now costs a copy.

sculptures — the integral element of decor of facades and roofs of buildings, bridges, fountains, gardens and parks.

Classics looks at us from roofs Winter palace and Isaakievsky cathedral, a modernist style — from department store of brothers of Eliseevyh and the book House, hooligan кич — from quay opposite «Crosses».

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