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Series of photo «Moyka» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 9 pix Pix Moykas from trip.


Nearest to Neva a water highway — the river the Moyka — about 5 km bends around in the extent a — continental part from the east on the West. The name — from the Finnish word «Mja» to which have named the polluted small river following from a bog, located — approximately on a place present Mars field and Konjushennoj of the area.

building of coast of the Moyka has begun with 1706 year when near the Neva road houses for officers of marine sea fleet began to erect. In 1711 to year for drainage of district the Moyka have connected with Fontanka nearby to its source from Neva.

First decree about an accomplishment of quay of the Moyka is published in 1715 to year, however only in twenty years works on clearing of the river and the device of wooden quays have begun. Deepened and connected to the river Krivushi ­(future Griboedov`s channel), the Moyka in the middle of XVIII century became navigable. From the end of the century its quays have started to revet with a granite.

Originality of a spatial composition of quays of the Moyka consists — that in the top and average watercourse they are integrally connected with the major city ensembles, Summer garden and the Engineering — Castle, Mars field and the Mihajlovsky garden, and then with Palace and Isaakievsky the areas.

Natural smooth bends of the river predetermine an original composition of its quays with unexpected disclosing of ensembles of the big areas and involving in an architectural panorama of the Moyka of deep prospects on Neva and on adjoining streets. Exclusive — kinds on the art value reveal on Neva in a junction with the Moyka of the Winter flute, on Admiralty ­ — From the Red bridge (in Pea street), on the — cathedral Nikolsky`s silhouette­, sparkling gold domes — with Potselueva of the bridge, on building of coast of Vasilevsky island with Academy of Arts ­ — from the Krasnoflotsky bridge at Krjukova of the channel.

in the lowermost current the shape of the river joins utilitarian constructions ­- «New Holland» and industrial cases.

sink is crossed by three basic highways forming plan`s structure of the central part of a city-Neva, Pea street and the Voznesensky avenue.

on a site from Pochtamtsky to Potselueva of bridges the quay merges — with the Big Sea street. At Mars field the Swan channel and Griboedov`s channel depart from the Moyka, and hardly further — the Winter flute. In the bottom — current from the Moyka the channel connecting the Moyka with Fontanka branches off Hooks; from the Moyka the channel of the river of the Buckle, channels Krushtejna and New-Admiralty begins.

today Moyka quays are released from the big streams of transport that distinguishes them from strongly loaded quays Fontanka ­. It to a certain extent defines lyrical character of its planted trees and shrubs — coast, in most parts belonging to the pedestrian.

quay is built up «solid facade» — by a principle, characteristic — for Petersburg the end XVIII — the beginnings of XIX centuries the Exception — is only extensive territory быв. Manors To. Razumovsky­, nowadays belonging to the State teacher training college of A.I.Herzen.

front of building of coast is interrupted with avenuees and the streets dispersing — from Neva. Their crossings with quays — rare, on the historical value the wide bridges thrown through the river in first third — of a XIX-th century.

bridges are integrally connected with granite frames of a water channel. In this ensemble technical and architecturally-art — art of builders is combined­.

openwork drawing of pig-iron fencings of quays of the Moyka dressed by a stone almost on all its extent is fine.

a remarkable ornament of the Moyka are its bridges, ten of which outstanding samples bridge-engineering represent the beginnings — of XIX century, when wooden bridges were replaced pig-iron of кли­новидных the hollow caissons making the flying arches (architect Century And. Geste, 1806). We will note «the three-knee bridge» at a source of the channel of Griboedov, in essence two bridges — Theatrical and it is not enough-konjushennyj ­(engineer E.A.Adam and G.Tretter, 18291831); wide (more than 70) the Singing bridge (engineer E.A.Adam, 18391840), connecting together quays of the Moyka with open space Palace Square; the National bridge — on a place of the first elevating wooden bridge on Nevsky prospect (architect V.I.Geste, 18061808, has reconstructed architect L.A.Ilyin, 19041907); Dark blue — on Isaakievsky square (V.I.Geste, 1818, E.A.Adam has expanded, 1842); the Pochtamtsky bridge, opposite to Prachechnogo of a lane, — one of the pendant chain bridges first in a city (engineer G.Tretter, 18231824); Red — in Pea street (architect V.I.Geste, 18081814). At a source of the Winter flute along Moyka quay in 19621964 the new bridge with a granite protection is constructed.

walk on Moyka quays should be begun from Mars field, is more exact — from a mouth of the channel of Griboedov where «the three-knee bridge» is thrown. Having passed on the right coast from Mars field downstream the river, passing a corner house architect D.Adamini, an effective portico closing prospect of the channel of Griboedov, we will stop at a building быв. The round market (architect D.Kvarengi, begin XIX century) . The triangular — form of the building plan was predetermined by a site. The right-bank — part of quay to the Winter flute is characterised by continuous — building by the apartment houses which integrity speaks not only a stylistic generality, but also a tonality of colouring of facades­, with domination lilac, pistachio and scale faintly-sulphur.

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