Stela “The Good Angel of the World”

Stela “Good Angel of the World” photo - Penza
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11.08.2019  12:44

Stela “The Good Angel of the World”, open February 42009of the year. In connection with the installation of the monument Penzaawarded the title City of Peace and awarded the Order of Peace.

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photo near Penza
  • Monument Glory to the Soviet Constitution
  • Coat of arms of the USSR
  • Stela “The Good Angel of the World”
  • Sculptural composition For the Glory of Russian Weapons
  • Memorial to the Afghan Warriors

Penza is the administrative center of the Penza region, once an outpost on the southeastern borders of Russia.


Sculptures in St.-Petersburg stand continually, in particular in the centre, where плотност monuments the phenomenal. The known sculpture most, perhaps, one of the main symbols of a city on Neva -«Copper Horseman». The Equestrian statue in honour of ... →



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