Careful, cats!

Careful, cats! photo - not sorted
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05.10.2008  14:32

Such signs stand on courtyards Hermitage. Rodents — a scourge for a museum, on it in staff are registered tens cats.

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  • Flask
  • Liner
  • Careful, cats!
  • Repair work
  • Lenin

Largest museum to Russia and one of the greatest museums of the world, the Hermitage is the some buildings connected with each other. The visitor at all does not notice, how having entered in Winter Palace, it move into the Small Hermitage, the Hermitage theatre, the New Hermitage. Originally small collection ... →


Winter Palace  Residence of Russian emperors, the Winter palace. The building is designed by the architect Rastrellii in Baroque style. Harmoniously enters into ensemble Palace Square, being the most magnificent and its key construction.



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