Commander of the White Guards is recognised in all pictures

Commander of the White Guards is recognised in all pictures photo - Offensive Judenich to Petrograd
1600x1072 | 217.59 Kb
15.11.2009  14:47

Commander of white both fights drove photographers, sometimes distracting on the red. Spectators in general have been tired out on opposite coast and observed fight from distance of 200 metres, paternal have received unforgettable memoirs.

code to blog:

photo near Offensive Judenich to Petrograd
  • White Guards of Northwest Army
  • Senior lieutenant of fleet and the machine gunner
  • Commander of the White Guards is recognised in all pictures
  • White Guards occupy entrenchments red
  • Hand-to-hand on positions red

reportage  Photos in report-style. Different events and moments of city life.



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