New Year's St.-Petersburg
New Year's St.-Petersburg

Notes in blog, seria «Kazan cathedral» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 1 pix

Kazan (Kazan) cathedral, from the moment of the basis, was Patriotic war pantheon 1812 year. Not casually to it near a cathedral from the party Nevsky prospect there are sculptures of commanders: M.I.Kutuzov and M.B.Barclay de Tolli. Here field marshal Kutuzov also is buried. Banners defeated the French regiments were inside stored, nowadays relics of that war are transferred museums, in particular the Artillery Museum (Kronverk).

Building forms the architectural ensemble opened to the avenue. It is a characteristic example of high classicism when, solving a local — problem, the architect attaches its in ensemble the big town-planning significance. The exclusive role is played bow-shaped four-row by a colonnade of the Corinthian warrant with a strong portico in the centre and prodrivings — on the ends. Forming a smart facade on the avenue, the colonnade hides unusual in relation to the trunk main of a city position — of the church traditionally focused by an altar apse on the east and consequently turned to avenue by a lateral facade.

at the USSR — the Museum of history of religion and atheism.

limestone from which 144 columns are combined is widely used, facing is made and capitals and bas-reliefs are cut. In 56 granite — columns with bronze bases and capitals form a crosswise — interior in the plan. The height подкупольного spaces of 69 m.

Stone dome on a high drum leans against sails and four lungs pylon. For the first time in history the building technics the external — dome from system of iron radial bow-shaped edges is created­. The numerous — sculptural furniture is strictly subordinated an architectural composition of a building. Bas-reliefs on facades (sculptor. I. P.Martos, F. G.Gordeyev, etc.) . Friezes on attics driveways: on east — «the Expiration — of Moiseem of water in desert» (sculptor. I. P.Martos), on western — «Vozdvizhenie — copper serpent» (sculptor. I. P.Prokofiev). In niches of the Neva portico ­- four bronze statues: Alexander Nevsky and prince Vladimir ­(sculptor. S.S.Pimenov), John Krestitel (sculptor. I. P.Martos), Andrey Pervozvannyj (sculptor. V.I.Demut-Malinovsky). Shutters of bronze doors with ten square bas-reliefs — copies of doors Baptistery in Florence (sculptor. L.Giberti, 1452). Are cast by V.P.Yekimov on the moulds stored in Academy of Arts. In a cathedral field marshal M.I.Kutuzov is buried. Military trophies were stored in a cathedral. All it has defined value of a temple as Patriotic war pantheon ­1812


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