Monument and sculptures of Priozersk
15 photo with description22.07.2020 07:09
22.07.2020 07:09
Andrey Panevin

Priozersk is a city in the north of the Leningrad region and, although it is small, there are few monuments and sculptures.
Memorial sign to the Keksholm regiment, Korela fortress. Installed in honor of the 300th anniversary of the regiment established by Peter I in 1710. The anchor at the base symbolizes the participation of the regiment in naval battles, crowned with a soldier's shako from a Keksholm. On the sides there are mock-ups of cannons from the 18th century.

Monument to Peter I at the apse of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. The original granite stele was crowned with a bust of Peter by the sculptor Verbel. The bronze bust was lost in 1918. The new bust and coat of arms of Kexholm were created by sculptor V.E. Gorev and installed on a pedestal in 1976.
Base inscription:
Peter the Great
Life Guards Kexholm Emperor of the Austrian Regiment
In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of its foundation and the return of the ancestral fortress.
Monument to Lenin on the eponymous Priozersk square. The sculptor P.M. Krivorutsky, 1965.
ZSU-23-4 Shilka, Priozersk , Memorial to Soldiers-Liberators.
IS-3 Tank, Priozersk, Memorial to Soldiers-Liberators.
Tank IS-3 No. 637 was installed in 2000.
Text on the memorial plaque: "The IS-3 tank of the 1945 model was installed in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."
Self-propelled gun ISU-152 St. John's wort, Priozersk, Memorial soldiers-liberators, established in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Victory.
The text on the memorial plaque: “ISU-152 heavy self-propelled artillery unit, 1943 model. In the summer of 1944, it was in service with the 142nd division. She took part in the hostilities to liberate Priozerskaya land. ”
Forged two-horned anchor with a wooden stock from the Swedish brig-cotter "Dragon", which sank in the Vyborg Bay on July 3 1790 during the famous Vyborg naval battle, when the Russian fleet won a brilliant victory over the Swedish fleet.
Monument to Finnish Soldiers, erected in 2018.
Monument to Finnish soldiers. Monument at the burial site of 105 kyakisalm servicemen who died during the World War II. Installed in 1996, architect K. Cocco.
Deep mines at the entrance to the Korela fortress.
Sculpture" Stork ", park near the Korela fortress.
A forged bench and a bell on the territory of the Korela fortress.
The sculpture" Panther Bagheera and Mowgli "is kind of strange. Created by the sculptor Boris Karagod, who came to practice in 1967. The sculpture was installed in Petrovsky Park in 1969. Similar I saw in Read in park ODORA.
Someone painted stones out of nothing to do. It turned out funny!

Memorial sign to the Keksholm regiment, Korela fortress. Installed in honor of the 300th anniversary of the regiment established by Peter I in 1710. The anchor at the base symbolizes the participation of the regiment in naval battles, crowned with a soldier's shako from a Keksholm. On the sides there are mock-ups of cannons from the 18th century.

Monument to Peter I at the apse of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. The original granite stele was crowned with a bust of Peter by the sculptor Verbel. The bronze bust was lost in 1918. The new bust and coat of arms of Kexholm were created by sculptor V.E. Gorev and installed on a pedestal in 1976.
Base inscription:
Peter the Great
Life Guards Kexholm Emperor of the Austrian Regiment
In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of its foundation and the return of the ancestral fortress.

Monument to Lenin on the eponymous Priozersk square. The sculptor P.M. Krivorutsky, 1965.

ZSU-23-4 Shilka, Priozersk , Memorial to Soldiers-Liberators.

IS-3 Tank, Priozersk, Memorial to Soldiers-Liberators.
Tank IS-3 No. 637 was installed in 2000.
Text on the memorial plaque: "The IS-3 tank of the 1945 model was installed in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

Self-propelled gun ISU-152 St. John's wort, Priozersk, Memorial soldiers-liberators, established in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Victory.
The text on the memorial plaque: “ISU-152 heavy self-propelled artillery unit, 1943 model. In the summer of 1944, it was in service with the 142nd division. She took part in the hostilities to liberate Priozerskaya land. ”

Forged two-horned anchor with a wooden stock from the Swedish brig-cotter "Dragon", which sank in the Vyborg Bay on July 3 1790 during the famous Vyborg naval battle, when the Russian fleet won a brilliant victory over the Swedish fleet.

Monument to Finnish soldiers. Monument at the burial site of 105 kyakisalm servicemen who died during the World War II. Installed in 1996, architect K. Cocco.

Deep mines at the entrance to the Korela fortress.

Sculpture" Stork ", park near the Korela fortress.

A forged bench and a bell on the territory of the Korela fortress.

The sculpture" Panther Bagheera and Mowgli "is kind of strange. Created by the sculptor Boris Karagod, who came to practice in 1967. The sculpture was installed in Petrovsky Park in 1969. Similar I saw in Read in park ODORA.

Someone painted stones out of nothing to do. It turned out funny!
Themes: monuments 72 photos 417 Priozersk 2 sculpture 71 travel 286
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