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Series of photo «Peter the Great bridge» from travel across Russia (and world). Collection yet 4 pix


Bolsheohtinsky bridge (the historical name — Peter the Great is nowadays returned, originally — the Bridge of Emperor Peter the Great) — трёхпролётный the arch bridge through Neva.

Idea about construction of this bridge has been stated still on March, 13th 1829 year at the statement Nikolay I a long-term plan Petersburg. However, in those days creation of such constant bridge has been technically unattainable, so it was necessary to be limited to the transportation organisation. on June, 5th 1884 year the State council recognised «Ohtinsky пригородок as subject to connection, in the economic relation, to the city of S.-Peterburgu so that this measure has been carried out after the device through the river Neva of the bridge to which are supposed to connect capital to the marked district». Debate about a choice of a line of the bridge has lasted up to January, 16th 1906 year. In parallel, on September, 1st 1901 year the Town council declared the international competition on the best project of the bridge with prizes in 12, 8 and 5 thousand roubles. On representation of projects it was taken away twelve months.

on competition it has been submitted sixteen projects: 7 — from Petersburg, 1 — from Moscow, 2 — from Paris, 1 — from Frankfurt am Main, 2 — from Vienna, 1 — from Amsterdam, 1 — from Barcelona and 1 — from Chicago.

However all of them have not satisfied jury. It has been decided not to award the award, however under the recommendation of a commission of experts four projects have been got:«7.6»engineer S. P.Bobrovsky and architect V.P.Apyshkova,"Kronstadt-Toulon"French building society"Levale-Perre",«Two anchors of "engineer A.Shnellja from Vienna and«Freedom to navigation of "engineer G.G.Krivosheina and architect V.P.Apyshkova. Last project also it has been decided to realise.

in six-monthly term Krivoshein and Apyshkov have made the definitive project (for these works by it it has been assigned 40 thousand roubles) and have presented it by September, 24th 1907 year. On June, 26th 1909 year, in two hundred year`s anniversary of the Poltava fight the bridge bookmark has been made.

November, 8th 1911 year Peter the Great bridge has been opened for a traffic and pedestrians.

From the point of view of technology bridge construction Peter the Great bridge was rather innovative construction. Its constructive scheme consisted all of three flights average of which, with an aperture in 14,6 metres was projected swing, and lateral flights in length on 128,2 metres were blocked by two arch double-hinged farms with inhalings and driving low. Passing a bridge part it was suspended from below to arch farms and its longitudinal beams simultaneously served as inhalings, perceiving thrust arch farms. Thanks to such scheme the volume rather laborious works on erection of river support decreased, degree of reduction of a live channel of the river was reduced by support to a minimum and made only 9,44 %. Placing swing flight in the middle of the river (before swing flight in bridges through Neva was arranged at one of coast) was new also.

Peter the Great bridge and the external shape in the spirit of northern modernist style is allocated.

In late-soviet its time it was accepted to criticise rather rigidly as for a decor illustrating «the worst samples of a modernist style», and for the decision to construct in city boundaries the bridge with driving low.

Bridge built factory of the Warsaw firm «K.Rudzky and To», and swing flight with mechanisms has been executed at the Petersburg Metal factory.

quality of work was rather high and the first repair of the bridge was required only in 1971 to year.

in 1917 to year the bridge has been renamed in Bolsheohtensky, and in 1956 to year — in Bolsheohtinsky. Bridge Major repairs have begun in 1993 and have come to the end in 1997 to year. Then on the bridge have returned inscriptions with its former name, removed after revolution. In 2011 to year repair of the bridge with colouring metalic and the illumination equipment, dated for its centenary has been again made.

1. Petersburg. Peter the Great bridge. 1906-1911

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