Sculptures along Komsomolsky Prospect
1600x1065 | 1653.32 Kb
18.07.2019 11:52
On Komsomolsky Prospekt in Perm there are a lot of various avant-garde sculptures. There would be more of this in the cities of Russia! The first is a bear Potapka.

Sculpture "Water and air - two elements for the flight "

The sculpture" The Sun ".

Sculpture "Dreams".

Sculpture cheers of a stork with a child.

Sculpture "The Renaissance of Kama".

The sculpture "And there was an ancient legend ... "

The sculpture" Juniper noise ".
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Sculptures in St.-Petersburg stand continually, in particular in the centre, where плотност monuments the phenomenal. The known sculpture most, perhaps, one of the main symbols of a city on Neva -«Copper Horseman». The Equestrian statue in honour of ... →