Over Neva

Over Neva photo - not sorted
1457x1164 | 178.56 Kb
03.05.2009  18:19

Over Neva against area Finban.

Blog, posts birds.

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photo near not sorted
  • Lenin
  • Seagull. Who is there? о_О
  • Over Neva
  • Seagulls. Two pieces. Cheaply.
  • Chkalov

Flight — that bewitches centuries mankind. We always dreamt to fly, but since a birth it is given only birds. People watch leave measured flight of an eagle, seagulls watch a prompt dive , observe fussy flying sparrows. And, ... →


Blessing St.-Petersburg — a city sea, the set of seagulls turns over rivers and channels. It is possible to walk on any of quays Northern capital, to observe for stately flight these birds ... →.



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