Staraya Ladoga Holy Uspenskiy Monastery

36 photo with description
The current Varyazhskaya street in Staraya Ladoga leads directly to the gate in the brick wall of the Holy Uspenskiy Monastery.

Monastery gate

Only the main church has survived from the monastery, around which the female Assumption monastery arose in the sixteenth century. The Church of the Assumption itself was built, as it was recently opened, even earlier than St. George’s Cathedral, in the 12th century. This temple is considered by historians to be the tomb of the princes. It is the oldest temple that survived to its full height in the whole north-west of Russia.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

The Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God (XII century) is the northernmost temple of pre-Mongol Russia, the main church of the Holy Dormition nunnery in Staraya Ladoga.

Cross near the temple

The walls of the Assumption Church were decorated with frescoes. About 30 square meters of ancient mural painting reached us - these are images of saints and the “Flourished Cross” in the dome, the same as in the famous Dmitrovsky Cathedral of the 12th century in Vladimir.

Hospital building

The hospital building with the home church
The hospital building with the home church.

Priory Corps
Priory Corpus.

Refectory building
Refectory housing. Architect N. N. Nikonov, 1910.

Cross, established in honor of the 900th anniversary of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cross, established in honor of the 900th anniversary of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

Holy gates
Holy gate (western) with a gatehouse and a chapel, 1823 - 1825 years of construction.

Walls of the Staraya Ladoga Holy Dormition Monastery
Walls of the Staraya Ladoga Holy Dormition Monastery.

Monastery walls

Alleyways and greenhouses have been set up on the monastery territory. Everywhere there are signs that the passage is only a blessing, so that the tourists do not trample down everything that is planted by the nuns.


Cascade fountain
Cascade Fountain.

Chapel over the well of the Great Martyr Barbara
Chapel over the well of the Great Martyr Barbara.

About a goat
About a goat

The greyhound goat threw at all visitors, the blessing that the rope stopped his ardor.

Across the territory of the monastery stuck figurines of animals, most likely self-made from clay, the nuns in fact need to do something.



Visitor to the monastery
Little animals have checked out not only me :)

Garages photographed these hedgehogs.

Bear family
Bear family

Bunnies and owl
Bunnies and owl.



Baby calf

Little bird
Birdie (titmouse?)


Bench and stork
Bench and stork.


Urn collecting donations
Urn collecting donations guarded by dogs.

And a bunny.

Animal (marten?)



Bear with honey
Bear with a barrel of honey.

The kids, of course, are very excited about the beasts.

In the Assumption Monastery the “royal nun”, the disgraced first wife of Peter the Great, Evdokia Lopukhina, labored. In the tonsure her name was Elena, she lived in a monastery from 1718 to 1725. From the stay of Lopukhina there was a double wooden palisade and the icon "Three-handed", which she granted to the sisters who were taking care of her. According to the monastic name Lopukhina, the ancient river Ladozhka was called Elena, the embankment became known as Eleninskaya, and Eleninsky Lane appeared on the posad.


Themes: churches and cathedrals 24  photos 417  Staraya Ladoga 3  travel 286  

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