Crimea, Sevastopol. Historical boulevard

22 photo with description
Sevastopol. Historical boulevard. During the first defence of Sevastopol of 1854-1855 on this place at the dominating height there was the 4-battery.

 Ushakov's Bust
At hill bottom Ushakov's bust.


Monument to defenders of the Jazonovsky redoubt.

On the main avenue there are cool benches — gifts of the different russian cities to Sevastopol.

Admiralty anchors
Near the Panorama an exposition of huge Admiralty anchors. In a shot members of our expedition, for understanding of the sizes of anchors.

Panorama of Defense of Sevastopol, photo — Sevastopol
Panorama «Defense of Sevastopol». This beauty has very strongly suffered during the second defence of a city of 1941-1942 and storm of Sevastopol in 1944.

Busts of defenders of Sevastopol
On the Panorama facade — busts of defenders Sevastopol. By the way, very high art execution.

Bust of the Sailor of the Cat
the Bust of the sailor Koshka.

Panorama of Defense of Sevastopol

Memorable stela to soldiers of 4th bastion
Memorable stela to soldiers of 4th bastion.

Stela in memory of the participant of defence of Sevastopol Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Stela in memory of the participant of defence Sevastopol the column to Lev Tolstoy.

Cannon of 4th bastion — Sevastopol

Cannon of 4th bastion, Kostomarov's battery.

Fourth bastion, Kostomarov's battery
Fourth bastion, Kostomarov's battery.

Fourth bastion, Kostomarov's battery

View to Sevastopol and a big wheel
View to Sevastopol and a big wheel from the battery.

Suddenly: Putin under protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (!)

 T-shirts with Putin
T-shirts with Putin in to Crimea EVERYWHERE.

Cat raises money
Inscriptions on a box: «on a forage an animal, it is possible in any currency, meat, fish».

Freakish tree
Freakish tree.

 Ushakov's Bust
Has returned back to Ushakov's bust.

Monument to Totleben, photo — Sevastopol
Monument to general Totleben, the head of engineering defence Sevastopol during a siege of a city of 1854-1855. Round a general aide-de-camp soldiers, sailors and sappers.

View of a monument to Totleben behind
View of a monument of Totlebenu behind. On a bronze cartouche rewarding of Totleben by Sacred George's Award of III degree is described. The legend that in 1942 to the general has torn off a head a shell. Germans have decided to restore a monument to the compatriot and have ordered a head in Germany. Since the general should be in a peak-cap have cast with a peak-cap. And here it was suddenly found out that Totleben holds a peak-cap in a hand! To alter a head were not in time also a monument in 1945 have restored already Russian.

To be continue!


Themes: Crimea 35  photos 417  Sevastopol 15  travel 286  

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